Jinjaru Strife is using Guildwork to keep in touch with MMO friends. Why aren't you?

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Jinjaru Strife Guess what small Taru will be back this Weekend ?
Jinjaru Strife and Graham are now friends.
Jinjaru Strife is anyone having trouble logging in there square enix account ?
Jinjaru Strife i swear man, installing FF beta really doesnt like me at all….lol o well i'll wait till release to see u all again,,,laters..
Jinjaru Strife SOOOOo dum question since we get early access what server did we pick again…lol
Jinjaru Strife soo I keep getting this freaking error still after a million trys of installing beta…..and yes i unstalled Alpha when it ended….this is the error….[11006][20641][20643], anyone know a damn fix so i can join u guys tomorrow
Jinjaru Strife woot i got in Beta first wave!!!!
Jinjaru Strife Merry Christmas Dots…
Jinjaru Strife ok i made up my mind i'm sooooo lvling Lnc when 2.0 launch's…..
Jinjaru Strife wooot got in Alpha
Jinjaru Strife Woot just bought myself a Wii U, from gamestop online….should get it monday or tuesday….sooo happy…
Jinjaru Strife i can log in game either
Jinjaru Strife same
i cant log in either
Jinjaru Strife yay got my frist garuda win tonite thx guys