Cotton Mouth is using Guildwork to keep in touch with MMO friends. Why aren't you?

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Cotton Mouth So remind me not to clear my schedule for FC events next time.
Cotton Mouth been trying to get in game for an hour now, I give up. See you all in another life.
Cotton Mouth I'll be gone till October, see you all then!
Cotton Mouth Going to try to get a hamlet party happening tonight around 6:30 CST. Hoping to get 3 or 4 runs in before GB battle phase is over.
Cotton Mouth I'll be running some hamlet's tonight from 7-11ish CST, I'll have provisioner status, please join me!
Cotton Mouth anyone know of a good place I can try to sell Cotton Mouth at?
Cotton Mouth fuck, not gonna be able to get top20 at 3 in the morning ><
Cotton Mouth Damn Kage, seal much?
Cotton Mouth Kage got mah helmet! nuuuuuuuuuu
grats on all yer spoils guys.
Cotton Mouth and John are now friends.
Cotton Mouth so whats the deal with all the different shells right now?
Cotton Mouth RIP MCA