Eldric Braddock
last seen
589 weeks ago
Eldric Braddock
is using Guildwork to keep in touch with MMO friends. Why aren't you?
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Try it now—it's free!

Eldric Braddock
Hey guys and gals, I have a couple (and by a couple I mean 5) friends that are starting this game with me. My brother played 1.0 already and has a 50 warrior. The other four are fresh starts. I was wondering if there is any room for them in the RD FC?
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Meme Are they Lalafell?
12 years ago

Teddy ala has a good question…
12 years ago

Eldric Braddock
Just realized that I had been trying to go to the wrong website for months now, and thought we were just using facebook…

Eldric Braddock
Guild Airships….aww yiss. http://jpgames-forum.de/jpgames-de-foren/news-rund-um-japanische-videospiele/23211-final-fantasy-xiv-our-new-interview-with-naoki-yoshida/

Valtiel Serraph If they do include airships in the game I hope that they can do them justice. There are many ways it could be terrible and a few ways it could be amazing. We'll find out eventually. Also, it's great to hear that Uematsu will be back in some capacity. Maybe just use him for an entire expansion so we get another full score from him.
12 years ago

Eldric Braddock
Awww yiss, got an invite. Still won't be able to play until later tonight.

Eldric Braddock
If I pick up the free trial will I be able to play FFXI with you all?

Eldric Braddock Well, I picked up the trial. I haven't played in about three years so I want to give it a try to see if I will pick up the game first.
12 years ago

Eldric Braddock So, I hit level 10 then realized I can't use the AH to sell stuff. So pretty much no gil, no gear. I didn't think this through very far haha.
12 years ago

Eldric Braddock
Prepare yourselves! Sometime in late September or early October the great Durin Ironbreaker returns! Lololol.

Meme you will need to return before the 29th of september or you wont be able to login i think.
13 years ago

Eldric Braddock
Hey guys, I'm going to be off for a bit. School started so I want to focus on that and my FFXIV funds have run out. I'll try to be back on in a month or so. Don't have too much fun without me!

Eldric Braddock
has joined Guildwork.