Yes the FC is pretty much dead. The ranking officers that can promote/discharge people don't log on anymore and we have no direction. "Casuals" join,stand around and play with their glamours then leave for a friends FC. HC players join then become dismayed at the lack of interest in doing more challenging content and then leave.

Red FYRE I was thinking of logging on tomorrow…. Heh
10 years ago

Xey Yea, my parents are visiting from out of the country, but I should be back on soonish ;/
10 years ago

Ashren Content is kind of lacking at the moment and it's been a long time now since Heavensward came out with regards to how long it normally takes for content patches to be released. People are burnt out on doing stuff and anyone not interested in grinding to get into Alex Savage have no incentives to grind the two available dungeons for Esoterics to get geared.
10 years ago

Ashren I'm around all the time still since I have a lot of friends that just recently got into the game, so have been helping them get caught up with things to pass the time until 3.1 comes out. I can't promote, but I can deal with FC buffs, and add people to the FC.
10 years ago

Ashren It also doesn't help that no one ever talks in FC, so it makes it feel even more dead.
10 years ago

Alice Liddell I just get on everyday to do my expert, get a map and do hunts then I log off and do something else. I can't wait for the next update, the game has been so boring plus the fact that no one talks on the FC anymore doesn't help.
10 years ago

Kailan Eidyia If you active people want more responsibility, just let me know and I'm happy to promote you and give you invite rights and all that~
10 years ago

Frixt Ilari We have invite right kai, though I appreciate the offer. What people are looking for is to know when Noloe might return. If that is unknown, I understand, but it might perhaps be time for noloe to pass leadership of the FC on. I know that's a tough decision, but I think its time to consider it
10 years ago

Kailan Eidyia I'll talk to him about it! Wish me luck! @.@
10 years ago

Ashren It feels a little like SE didn't think the launch content all the way through, cause there just isn't enough to do outside of raiding to keep people entertained. The grind from 50 to 60 is too long and tedious for most people to want to bother leveling alt jobs up
10 years ago

Ashren there are only two EX dungeons and the Eso weapons are quite a bit better than the EX Primal weapons from what I've heard (I could be wrong) which makes it pointless to even try to farm then unless they add more, like new primal mounts (hopefully something other than ponies).
10 years ago

Malkavian Why don't we simply start over…when I said we lack direction I meant that we need to figure out what kind of fc we are going to be. Are we going to build a raiding FC or a casual FC? Being both does not seem to be working very well.
10 years ago

Malkavian And once we establish that we can begin recruiting for those types. Seeing as there is an overwhelming abundance of casual-based FCs we could go for a more end-game style. Lots of people on this server are looking for statics but having difficulty finding them due to the amount of RPers and casuals.
10 years ago

Ashren I've always viewed Ascension as being a community/family oriented type thing than something focused on hardcore raiding. It always felt more like we had raid groups because we had enough people who wanted to raid in the FC, but now we don't and I feel like trying to orient ourselves in that direction would literally be starting from scratch.
10 years ago

Ashren We'd have to remove a good chunk of the members, both old and new, and I can say personally I don't think I would stick around for long. I have absolutely zero interest in doing Alex Savage.
10 years ago