Malkavian is using Guildwork to keep in touch with MMO friends. Why aren't you?

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Malkavian Yes the FC is pretty much dead. The ranking officers that can promote/discharge people don't log on anymore and we have no direction. "Casuals" join,stand around and play with their glamours then leave for a friends FC. HC players join then become dismayed at the lack of interest in doing more challenging content and then leave.
Malkavian Team EtOH is now looking for a frontline DPS for FCoB. Feel free to contact me (Malkavian) or Frixt or post in the EtOH thread. Our Times are Sun,tues and wedns @8:30pm est. to 10:30pm est.
Malkavian Team EtOH is now taking applications for SCH and 2 dps spots. No ninjas or Bards,sorry. we run on sun,tues and weds from 8:30pm-10:30pm est. if interested please notify me (Malkavian) or Frixt.
Malkavian Great job tonight Team EtOH! You all played your best and we got our first team win for it!
Malkavian I'm looking right back at you.
Frixt Ilari see me looking
Malkavian and Frixt Ilari are now friends.
Malkavian and Kiegen are now friends.
Malkavian and Kiegen are now friends.
Malkavian Meh. Noloe needed to wash his hair anyways…
Malkavian has joined Guildwork.