last seen
172 weeks ago

Damn I miss this group, I still come back every now and then to check this page and see if any new life is around. If anyone still lurks here, hope you're all doing well; whether you play anymore or not!

Noloe Tazier Kailan and I are thinking about picking up the game again with Shadowbringers. We will see. I might need to look into making a Discord server for us all to have so anyone who gets nostalgia can see in the future where we are.
6 years ago

Ashren I'd join it just to keep in touch with some of the old folks. Sadly I left Balmung a long time ago to start my own FC and tonight Aether said goodbye to Balmung as it moved off to its own Datacenter.
6 years ago
Ashren Snow has joined
a guild.
Ashren Snow has joined
a guild.
Ashren Snow's
Botanist is now level 53.
Ashren Snow's Fisher is now level 52.
Ashren Snow's Lancer is now level 51.
Ashren Snow's Leatherworker is now level 55.
Ashren Snow's Machinist is now level 54.
Ashren Snow's Weaver is now level 55.
Ashren Snow's Fisher is now level 52.
Ashren Snow's Lancer is now level 51.
Ashren Snow's Leatherworker is now level 55.
Ashren Snow's Machinist is now level 54.
Ashren Snow's Weaver is now level 55.
Ashren Snow's
Botanist is now level 52.
Ashren Snow's Machinist is now level 51.
Ashren Snow's Thaumaturge is now level 51.
Ashren Snow's Weaver is now level 54.
Ashren Snow's Machinist is now level 51.
Ashren Snow's Thaumaturge is now level 51.
Ashren Snow's Weaver is now level 54.
Ashren Snow has joined
a guild.
Ashren Snow's
Weaver is now level 52.