Item Date
Seal of the Forgotten Kings 530 weeks ago
Grievous Gladiator's Armplates of Alacrity 530 weeks ago
Grievous Gladiator's Girdle of Accuracy 530 weeks ago
Grievous Gladiator's Scaled Shoulders 530 weeks ago
Doubtcrusher Breastplate 530 weeks ago
Bladesnap Helm 530 weeks ago
Gauntlets of Winged Triumph 531 weeks ago
Sorrowpath Signet 531 weeks ago
Chestplate of Congealed Corrosion 531 weeks ago
Thok's Tail Tip 532 weeks ago
Battleplate of Winged Triumph 532 weeks ago
Pauldrons of Winged Triumph 532 weeks ago
Skeer's Bloodsoaked Talisman 533 weeks ago
Devilfang Band 534 weeks ago
Devilfang Band 536 weeks ago
Gauntlets of Winged Triumph 536 weeks ago
Vision of Time 536 weeks ago
Bracers of Blind Hatred 537 weeks ago
Chestguard of Winged Triumph 539 weeks ago
Faceguard of Winged Triumph 539 weeks ago
Britomart's Jagged Pike 539 weeks ago
Demolisher's Reinforced Belt 539 weeks ago
Thranok's Shattering Helm 539 weeks ago
Spaulders of the Fallen Warchief 541 weeks ago
Doubtcrusher Helm 542 weeks ago
Burden of Eternity 542 weeks ago
Hellscream's Razor 543 weeks ago
Bulwark of the Fallen General 543 weeks ago
Wall-Borer Bracers 543 weeks ago
Evil Eye of Galakras 543 weeks ago
Greatsword of Pride's Fall 543 weeks ago
Handguards of Winged Triumph 544 weeks ago
Helm of the Night Watchman 544 weeks ago
Choker of the Final Word 544 weeks ago
Siegecrafter's Forge Hammer 545 weeks ago
Timeless Plate Chestpiece 545 weeks ago
Vial of Living Corruption 545 weeks ago
Malkorok's Giant Stompers 545 weeks ago
Poisonbinder Girth 545 weeks ago
Hellscream's Decapitator 545 weeks ago
Legplates of Unthinking Strife 545 weeks ago
Legplates of Regal Reinforcement 545 weeks ago
Elegion, the Fanged Crescent 545 weeks ago
Shoulderguards of Winged Triumph 546 weeks ago
Krugruk's Rigid Shoulderplates 546 weeks ago
Ring of the Iron Tomb 546 weeks ago
Bubble-Burst Bracers 546 weeks ago
Hellscream's Doomblade 549 weeks ago
Vision of Time 550 weeks ago
Bracers of Sordid Sleep 553 weeks ago
Greatsword of Pride's Fall 553 weeks ago
Gauntlets of Discarded Time 553 weeks ago
Krugruk's Rigid Shoulderplates 553 weeks ago
Magmaplates of Jian Wu Xi Feng 554 weeks ago
Ominous Mogu Greatboots 554 weeks ago
Legplates of Unthinking Strife 555 weeks ago
Curse of Hubris 555 weeks ago
Grievous Gladiator's Girdle of Prowess 556 weeks ago
Pattern: Fists of Lightning 556 weeks ago
Legguards of Winged Triumph 556 weeks ago
Starshatter 556 weeks ago
Asgorathian Blood Seal 556 weeks ago
Blood Rage Bracers 556 weeks ago
Shoulderguards of Winged Triumph 557 weeks ago
Qian-Ying, Fortitude of Niuzao 557 weeks ago
Siegecrafter's Forge Hammer 557 weeks ago
Blood Rage Bracers 557 weeks ago
Pauldrons of Winged Triumph 558 weeks ago
Gauntlets of Winged Triumph 558 weeks ago
Ancient Mogu Tower Shield 558 weeks ago
Gong-Lu, Strength of Xuen 558 weeks ago
Doubtcrusher Legplates 558 weeks ago
Grievous Gladiator's Scaled Legguards 558 weeks ago
Faceguard of Winged Triumph 558 weeks ago
Xal'atoh, Desecrated Image of Gorehowl 558 weeks ago
Juggernaut's Ignition Keys 558 weeks ago
Greaves of Sublime Superiority 558 weeks ago
Bulwark of the Fallen General 558 weeks ago
Darkfallen Shoulderplates 558 weeks ago
Thranok's Shattering Helm 559 weeks ago
Greaves of Sublime Superiority 559 weeks ago
Juggernaut's Ignition Keys (Raid Finder) 559 weeks ago
Galakrond Control Band (Raid Finder) 559 weeks ago
Chestguard of Winged Triumph 559 weeks ago
Timeless Cloak 559 weeks ago
Timeless Plate Helm 559 weeks ago
Grievous Gladiator's Armplates of Proficiency 559 weeks ago
Legplates of Willful Doom 560 weeks ago
Gar'tok, Strength of the Faithful 560 weeks ago
Seal of the Forgotten Kings 560 weeks ago
Poisonbinder Girth 560 weeks ago
Hellscream's Decapitator 561 weeks ago
Siegecrafter's Forge Hammer 561 weeks ago
Ashen Wall Girdle 561 weeks ago
Treads of Unchained Hate 561 weeks ago
Legguards of Winged Triumph 561 weeks ago
Greatbelt of the Crendor 561 weeks ago
Helm of the Night Watchman (Raid Finder) 561 weeks ago
Fusion-Fire Core (Raid Finder) 561 weeks ago
Legplates of Winged Triumph 562 weeks ago
Locksmasher Greaves (Raid Finder) 562 weeks ago
Uroe, Harbinger of Terror (Raid Finder) 562 weeks ago
Qian-Le, Courage of Niuzao 562 weeks ago
Battleplate of Winged Triumph 562 weeks ago
Thunder Bastion Neck 562 weeks ago
Lerah's Ribsmasher 562 weeks ago
Tyrannical Gladiator's Choker of Proficiency 562 weeks ago
Gauntlets of Winged Triumph (Raid Finder) 562 weeks ago
Legplates of Winged Triumph (Raid Finder) 562 weeks ago
Handguards of Winged Triumph 562 weeks ago
Poisonbinder Girth 562 weeks ago
Zoid's Molten Gauntlets 562 weeks ago
Chestguard of Winged Triumph 563 weeks ago
Columnbreaker Stompers (Raid Finder) 563 weeks ago
Brave Niunai's Cloak (Raid Finder) 564 weeks ago
Asgorathian Blood Seal 564 weeks ago
Seal of the Forgotten Kings 564 weeks ago
Legplates of Willful Doom 564 weeks ago
Sorrowpath Signet 564 weeks ago
Turtleshell Greatcloak 564 weeks ago
Encapsulated Essence of Immerseus 564 weeks ago
Arcsmasher Bracers 564 weeks ago
Legplates of Unthinking Strife 564 weeks ago
Tar-Coated Gauntlets 564 weeks ago
Shield of Mockery 564 weeks ago
Bubble-Burst Bracers 564 weeks ago
Soul Barrier (Raid Finder) 565 weeks ago
Spinescale Seal (Raid Finder) 565 weeks ago
Aeth's Swiftcinder Cloak (Raid Finder) 565 weeks ago
Haromm's Frozen Crescent (Raid Finder) 565 weeks ago
Cloudbreaker Greatbelt (Raid Finder) 565 weeks ago
Lightning Emperor's Handguards 565 weeks ago
Lightning Emperor's Chestguard 565 weeks ago
Skeer's Bloodsoaked Talisman (Raid Finder) 565 weeks ago
Turtleshell Greatcloak (Raid Finder) 565 weeks ago
Tar-Coated Gauntlets (Raid Finder) 565 weeks ago
Thok's Tail Tip 565 weeks ago
Timeless Plate Bracers 565 weeks ago
Grievous Gladiator's Armplates of Alacrity 565 weeks ago
Grievous Gladiator's Warboots of Alacrity 565 weeks ago
Ionized Yojamban Carapace 565 weeks ago
Doomed Crown of Lei Shen 565 weeks ago
Band of the Scaled Tyrant 565 weeks ago
Caustic Spike Bracers 565 weeks ago
Spark of Zandalar 565 weeks ago
Renowned Guild Tabard 566 weeks ago
Skeer's Bloodsoaked Talisman 566 weeks ago
Xifeng, Longblade of the Titanic Guardian 566 weeks ago
Corruption-Rotted Gauntlets 566 weeks ago
Lightning Emperor's Handguards 566 weeks ago
Lightning Emperor's Chestguard 566 weeks ago
Rein-Binder's Fists 566 weeks ago
Crown of the Golden Golem 566 weeks ago
Metabolically Boosted Shoulderplates 566 weeks ago
Caustic Spike Bracers 566 weeks ago
Acid-Spine Bonemace 566 weeks ago
Treads of the Blind Eye 566 weeks ago
Egg-Shard Grips 566 weeks ago
Jin'rokh's Soulcrystal 566 weeks ago
Horn-Rimmed Doomcloak 566 weeks ago
Sorrowpath Signet (Raid Finder) 566 weeks ago
Timeless Plate Belt 566 weeks ago
Timeless Plate Gloves 566 weeks ago
Protector's Trillium Waistguard 567 weeks ago
Protector's Trillium Legguards 567 weeks ago
Key to the Palace of Lei Shen 567 weeks ago
Elegion, the Fanged Crescent 608 weeks ago
Dreadful Gladiator's Medallion of Tenacity 611 weeks ago
Contender's Revenant Boots 611 weeks ago
Contender's Revenant Belt 611 weeks ago
Contender's Revenant Bracers 611 weeks ago
Contender's Revenant Gauntlets 611 weeks ago
Contender's Revenant Legplates 611 weeks ago
Contender's Revenant Breastplate 611 weeks ago
Contender's Revenant Shoulders 611 weeks ago
Contender's Revenant Helm 611 weeks ago
Ring of the Bladed Tempest (Raid Finder) 611 weeks ago
Necklace of Congealed Weaknesses (Raid Finder) 611 weeks ago
Lei Shen's Final Orders (Raid Finder) 611 weeks ago
Relic of Yu'lon 611 weeks ago
Relic of Chi-Ji 611 weeks ago
Relic of Niuzao 611 weeks ago
White Tiger Helmet 611 weeks ago
Deepwater Greatboots 612 weeks ago
Pattern: Raven Lord's Gloves 612 weeks ago
Pattern: Stormbreaker Chestguard 612 weeks ago
Malevolent Gladiator's Choker of Accuracy 612 weeks ago
Cloak of Raining Blades 613 weeks ago
Kaolan's Withering Necklace 613 weeks ago
White Tiger Faceguard 613 weeks ago
Carapace of Crushed Conviction 613 weeks ago
Beachcomber's Hat 613 weeks ago
Carbonic Carbuncle 613 weeks ago
Patroller's Girdle of Endless Spring (Raid Finder) 613 weeks ago
White Tiger Pauldrons (Raid Finder) 613 weeks ago
Artisan Officer's Shirt 613 weeks ago
Lightning Rod Breastplate 613 weeks ago
Wristguards of the Holy Warrior 613 weeks ago
Bladesnap Girdle 613 weeks ago
Shoulderplate of the Holy Warrior 613 weeks ago
Greathelm of the Holy Warrior 613 weeks ago
Legplates of the Holy Warrior 613 weeks ago
Gauntlets of the Holy Warrior 613 weeks ago
Chestplate of the Holy Warrior 613 weeks ago
Greatboots of the Holy Warrior 613 weeks ago
Girdle of the Holy Warrior 613 weeks ago
White Tiger Shoulderguards 614 weeks ago
Tabard of the Achiever 614 weeks ago
Shin'ka, Execution of Dominion (Raid Finder) 614 weeks ago
Bracers of Defiled Earth (Raid Finder) 614 weeks ago
Living Steel Gauntlets 614 weeks ago
The Boreal Guard 615 weeks ago
Vanquished Clutches of Yogg-Saron 615 weeks ago
Warbelt of Sealed Pods (Raid Finder) 615 weeks ago
Living Steel Breastplate 615 weeks ago
Cloak of Raining Blades (Raid Finder) 615 weeks ago
Starcrusher Gauntlets (Raid Finder) 615 weeks ago
Daybreak Drape 617 weeks ago
Plans: Gauntlets of Unbound Devotion 617 weeks ago
Ring of the Bladed Tempest 617 weeks ago
August Celestials Tabard 617 weeks ago
Stuff of Nightmares 617 weeks ago
Ring of the Shattered Shell 618 weeks ago
Dread Shadow Ring (Raid Finder) 618 weeks ago
Replica Shado-Pan Helmet 618 weeks ago
Shado-Pan Tabard 618 weeks ago
Shackle of Eversparks 618 weeks ago
White Tiger Chestguard 618 weeks ago
Pauldrons of the Broken Blade 619 weeks ago
Chestguard of Eternal Vigilance 619 weeks ago
Serrated Wasp Bracers 619 weeks ago
White Tiger Handguards 619 weeks ago
White Tiger Legguards 619 weeks ago
Hisek's Chrysanthemum Cape (Raid Finder) 619 weeks ago
Impaling Treads (Raid Finder) 619 weeks ago
White Tiger Battleplate (Raid Finder) 619 weeks ago
Nullification Greathelm (Raid Finder) 619 weeks ago
Breastplate of the Kings' Guard (Raid Finder) 619 weeks ago
Articulated Legplates 620 weeks ago
Windblade Talons 620 weeks ago
Vizier's Ruby Signet 620 weeks ago
Vial of Dragon's Blood 620 weeks ago
Soulgrasp Choker 620 weeks ago
Soothsayer's Runes 620 weeks ago
Yi's Least Favorite Helmet 620 weeks ago
Seal of the Unscathed 620 weeks ago
Klaxxi Tabard 620 weeks ago
Articulated Legplates (Raid Finder) 620 weeks ago
Anglers Tabard 620 weeks ago
Ferocious Necklace of the Golden Lotus 621 weeks ago
Golden Lotus Tabard 621 weeks ago
Tillers Tabard 621 weeks ago
Umbrella of Chi-Ji 621 weeks ago
Klaxxi Lash of the Consumer 621 weeks ago
Shoulderguards of the Unflanked 621 weeks ago
Gauntlets of Blurring Fingers 622 weeks ago
Lorewalkers Tabard 622 weeks ago
Ferocious Plate of the Golden Lotus 623 weeks ago
Yi's Cloak of Courage 623 weeks ago
Beads of the Mogu'shi 623 weeks ago
Order of the Cloud Serpent Tabard 623 weeks ago
Band of the Petrified Pumpkin 623 weeks ago
Gauntlets of Ancient Steel 623 weeks ago
Chestguard of Eternal Vigilance (Raid Finder) 623 weeks ago
Elegion, the Fanged Crescent (Raid Finder) 623 weeks ago
Bladesworn Girdle 623 weeks ago
Thunderstone Ring 623 weeks ago
Angerforged Stompers 623 weeks ago
Jang-xi's Devastating Legplates 623 weeks ago
Masterwork Spiritguard Shoulders 623 weeks ago
Jade Warlord Figurine 624 weeks ago
Sollerets of Spirit Splitting 624 weeks ago
Bracers of Six Oxen 624 weeks ago
Spear of Xuen 624 weeks ago
Beads of the Mogu'shi (Raid Finder) 624 weeks ago
Steelskin, Qiang's Impervious Shield 624 weeks ago
Gauntlets of Resolute Fury 624 weeks ago
Masterwork Spiritguard Legplates 625 weeks ago
Helm of Rising Flame 625 weeks ago
Huojin Tabard 625 weeks ago
Phantasmal Drape 625 weeks ago
Waistguard of the Phalanx 625 weeks ago
Necklace of the Dark Blaze 625 weeks ago
Gravetouch Greatsword 625 weeks ago
Lessons of the Darkmaster 625 weeks ago
Hateshatter Chestplate 625 weeks ago
Bubble-Breaker Bracers 625 weeks ago
Dubious Handaxe 625 weeks ago
Masterwork Spiritguard Shield 625 weeks ago
Bitterest Balebrew Charm 625 weeks ago
Masterwork Spiritguard Helm 625 weeks ago
Anchoring Sabatons 625 weeks ago
Vigorsteel Spaulders 625 weeks ago
Whirling Dervish Choker 625 weeks ago
Crystallized Droplet 625 weeks ago
A Treatise on Strategy 625 weeks ago
Purple Trophy Tabard of the Illidari 625 weeks ago
Maki's Mashing Mace 625 weeks ago
Temple Guardian Pauldron 625 weeks ago
Mithril Wristwatch 625 weeks ago
Brawler's Statue 625 weeks ago
Mysterious Note 625 weeks ago
Taoshi's Signet 625 weeks ago
Pendant of Revenge 625 weeks ago
Design: Reverberating Primal Diamond 625 weeks ago
Temple Guardian Chestpiece 625 weeks ago
Ring of Norvakess 625 weeks ago
Green Trophy Tabard of the Illidari 625 weeks ago
Hurley's Tankard 625 weeks ago
Bubbliest Brightbrew Charm 625 weeks ago
Helm of Enmity 625 weeks ago
Design: Forlorn Primal Diamond 625 weeks ago
Axebreaker Gauntlets 625 weeks ago
Summit Guardian Legguards 625 weeks ago
Summit Guardian Armplates 625 weeks ago
Band of Parental Mastery 625 weeks ago
Korjan Shoulders 625 weeks ago
Thunderfoot Heavy Chestpiece 625 weeks ago
Spike-Soled Stompers 625 weeks ago
Shield of Blind Hate 625 weeks ago
Sparkbreath Girdle 625 weeks ago
Ornate Weapon 625 weeks ago
Blackened Chain Cloak 626 weeks ago
Design: Eternal Primal Diamond 626 weeks ago
Handguards of Sturdy Constitution 626 weeks ago
Thunderfoot Heavy Helm 626 weeks ago
Bubble-Breaker Bracers 626 weeks ago
Design: Fleet Primal Diamond 626 weeks ago
Design: Revitalizing Primal Diamond 626 weeks ago
Design: Ember Primal Diamond 626 weeks ago
Design: Enigmatic Primal Diamond 626 weeks ago
Design: Destructive Primal Diamond 626 weeks ago
Captain's Cutlass 627 weeks ago
Chestguard of Radiant Glory (Heroic) 630 weeks ago
Goriona's Collar (Heroic) 630 weeks ago
Stillheart Warboots (Heroic) 630 weeks ago
Battleplate of Radiant Glory (Heroic) 630 weeks ago
Legguards of Radiant Glory (Heroic) 630 weeks ago
Faceguard of Radiant Glory (Heroic) 630 weeks ago
Handguards of Radiant Glory (Heroic) 630 weeks ago
Hardheart Ring (Heroic) 630 weeks ago
Souldrinker (Heroic) 630 weeks ago
Blackhorn's Mighty Bulwark (Heroic) 630 weeks ago
Brackenshell Shoulderplates (Heroic) 630 weeks ago
Graveheart Bracers (Heroic) 630 weeks ago
Indomitable Pride (Heroic) 630 weeks ago
Soulshifter Vortex (Heroic) 630 weeks ago
Indefatigable Greatcloak 630 weeks ago
Signet of the Resolute 630 weeks ago
Guardspike Choker 630 weeks ago
Rich Purple Silk Shirt 630 weeks ago
Tabard of the Ebon Blade 630 weeks ago