Pattern: Stormbreaker Chestguard
Requires Leatherworking (600)
Item Level 90
Use: Teaches you how to craft a Stormbreaker Chestguard.
Sell Price: 7 50

Stormbreaker Chestguard
Binds when equipped
4039 Armor
+1835 Stamina
+1063 Intellect
Yellow Socket
Yellow Socket
Socket Bonus: +120 Haste
Requires Level 90
Item Level 496
Equip: Increases your critical strike rating by 635 (1.06% @ L90).
Equip: Increases your haste rating by 828 (1.95% @ L90).
Sell Price: 34 11 1

Requires Magnificent Hide (3), Spirit of Harmony (4), Blood Spirit (8)
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