Kryshna has joined
a guild.

Tamoa Yay, wb
10 years ago

Jem You guys moved to Odin? I'm not playing XI but I miss you all!
10 years ago

Tamoa Krysh and me are on Odin, yes. The rest is scattered between linkshells on Asura or they've quit. Hope you're doing well Jem!
10 years ago

Jem Doing well yes! A lot happier in Florida anyway. Hope you guys are the same! Did you not play XIV?
10 years ago

Tamoa I did for a bit, yes. But then SE went and made it so you can solo enter assaults and salvage, and the idea of making a mythic was suddenly appealing, so I came back to XI. Didn't like XIV that much either to be honest. Are you playing XIV?
10 years ago

Jem Yeah I'm playing on Ragnarok although I played during 1.0 too. I mainly login to clear coil right now though. I did briefly login to XI when Sano came to visit but I was just so far behind that I kinda lost interest and there was nobody online in my time zone.
10 years ago

Yeffi Oh, wow. You can actually solo Salvage + Assaults now? I've been levelling different jobs since I got back, so I didn't know that. That's certainly a welcome addition! Yummy
10 years ago

Tamoa Yep, no needing 2 other people to enter anymore. They changed that late in 2013 actually
10 years ago