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Pad Time has joined a guild.
Pad Time has joined a guild.
Pad Time has joined a guild.
Revear obtained 2 items.
Pepy @Revear @Leelink @Alkibroo
The Grind is Real!!
BrooPuddiHitler @Miakyo @Fail @Selsha @Revear @Miakyo @Raynie - thanks for the allagan bracelet + gloves of healing and allagan battleaxe! <3
Selsha Coils T5 Done! Grats @Pepy on Allagan H2H and @Raynie on Allagan belt of Aiming! and rest of you on the win! @Fail @Revear @BrooPuddiHitler @Miakyo @Alkibroo #theforce
Selsha Group of giant EU fgts <3
Are's looks like a fucking boss seriously! Punching eos and all that! @Pepy @Revear @BrooPuddiHitler @Miakyo
Selsha @Pepy @BrooPuddiHitler @Revear @Miakyo @Alkibroo @Fail @Raynie @Racingjaw Happy new year my EU lovers Lets rip sh*t up and stuff and make it a good'en
Selsha Merry Christmas from The Force! @BrooPuddiHitler @Miakyo @Fail @Revear
BrooPuddiHitler @Revear @Miakyo "Dwarven grandma period fisting"
Selsha New rings :D Good LS run! @BrooPuddiHitler @Pepy @Miakyo @Revear many rings and new nightmare mount :)
Haxetc @Revear gonna fuck you later
BrooPuddiHitler @Revear yeah, this is us.
BrooPuddiHitler @Revear No, I will not stick it to your mother. - you sick fuck