@Estrella Oscura IStarstressI LONG TIME NO SEE! :O how ya been? ^_^

Estrella Oscura IStarstressI Maxiiiiiii wepaaa hey :). i been moving and doing alot of crap mostly bad lol, how are you and kid:)
13 years ago

Maxion i'm doin pretty well lol, been playing a crapload of FF14 and debating on dropping XI actually….my time on that game has come and gone.
13 years ago

Estrella Oscura IStarstressI awwwww, yea ima get 14 myselff soon
13 years ago

Estrella Oscura IStarstressI what sever you on
13 years ago

Maxion Sargatanas
13 years ago

Maxion dunno if that'll change at 2.0 though lol, still waiting to see what goes on for servers and the such
13 years ago

Estrella Oscura IStarstressI seems there will be server transfers but no one know yet when ^^
12 years ago

Maxion hehe possibly, i honestly can't wait for 2.0 either way
12 years ago