Estrella Oscura IStarstressI is using Guildwork to keep in touch with MMO friends. Why aren't you?

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Estrella Oscura earned 6 achievements.
Estrella Oscura has joined a guild.
Estrella Oscura has joined a guild.
Estrella Oscura earned 8 achievements.
Estrella Oscura's Arcanist is now level 58.
Estrella Oscura's Thaumaturge is now level 52.
Estrella Oscura has joined a guild.
Estrella Oscura earned 2 achievements.
Estrella Oscura's Arcanist is now level 57.
Estrella Oscura earned 14 achievements.
Estrella Oscura's Arcanist is now level 56.
Estrella Oscura's Archer is now level 60.
Estrella Oscura's Astrologian is now level 32.
Estrella Oscura's Conjurer is now level 35.
Estrella Oscura's Leatherworker is now level 14.
Estrella Oscura's Marauder is now level 16.
Estrella Oscura's Thaumaturge is now level 50.
Iron Pandemonium @Estrella Oscura IStarstressI basically - in their eyes - i absolutely deserved it, so there was nothing but praise involved when i lotted it that day, so hooray free gear
Maxion @Estrella Oscura IStarstressI LONG TIME NO SEE! :O how ya been? ^_^
Maxion rawr! :D how ya beeen?!