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Flat Justice has joined a guild.
Flat Justice earned 39 achievements.
Flat Justice's Blacksmith is now level 57.
Flat Justice's Lancer is now level 60.
Flat Justice's Machinist is now level 30.
Flat Justice's Thaumaturge is now level 60.
Flat Justice has joined a guild.
Flat Justice's Alchemist is now level 60.
Flat Justice's Armorer is now level 20.
Flat Justice's Astrologian is now level 60.
Flat Justice's Blacksmith is now level 56.
Flat Justice's Carpenter is now level 60.
Flat Justice's Culinarian is now level 60.
Flat Justice's Dark Knight is now level 30.
Flat Justice's Fisher is now level 34.
Flat Justice's Goldsmith is now level 55.
Flat Justice's Lancer is now level 56.
Flat Justice's Leatherworker is now level 60.
Flat Justice's Miner is now level 25.
Flat Justice's Marauder is now level 15.
Flat Justice earned 47 achievements.
Flat Justice's Alchemist is now level 55.
Flat Justice's Fisher is now level 27.
Flat Justice's Miner is now level 18.
Flat Justice's Alchemist is now level 54.
Flat Justice's Armorer is now level 14.
Flat Justice's Blacksmith is now level 51.
Flat Justice's Botanist is now level 60.
Flat Justice's Carpenter is now level 54.
Flat Justice's Culinarian is now level 51.
Flat Justice's Fisher is now level 26.
Flat Justice's Goldsmith is now level 52.
Flat Justice's Leatherworker is now level 52.
Flat Justice's Miner is now level 17.
Flat Justice's Marauder is now level 8.
Flat Justice's Weaver is now level 60.
Flat Justice has joined a guild.