Therin is using Guildwork to keep in touch with MMO friends. Why aren't you?

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Excellence was created by Therin on Guildwork.
Therin and Mrmarvelous are now friends.
Doddy How fucking dare you
Therin Dynamis - San d'Oria run on Saturday, July 22nd at 1:00 PM EDT! Check General Discussion forum for info!
Therin Get your EXP pants on boys, Nas has just enabled Empress Bands for the 4th of July weekend!

Let's get those jobs to 70 so we can start pillaging the sky!
Therin uploaded 1 picture to LS pics.
Therin uploaded 1 picture to LS pics.
Therin Sky farming with the crew!
Therin and Janie are now friends.
Therin has joined a guild.
Therin has joined a guild.
Therin has joined a guild.