Seravee is using Guildwork to keep in touch with MMO friends. Why aren't you?

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Seravee and Hanbok are now friends.
Seravee and Hanbok are now friends.
Seraeve has earned the title Fang Finder.
Seraeve has earned the title Yaanei Crasher.
Seraeve has earned the title Ruminator Confounder.
Seraeve has earned the title Super Model.
Seraeve has earned the title Sedna Tuskbreaker.
Seraeve has earned the title Pantokrator Disprover.
Seraeve has earned the title Resheph Eradicator.
Seraeve has earned the title Battle of Jeuno Veteran.
Seraeve has earned the title Knight of the Swiftwing Griffin.
Seraeve has earned the title Itzpapalotl Declawer.
Seraeve has earned the title Orthrus Decapitator.
Seraeve has earned the title Centurion.