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Naten #ffxiv
Naten #ffxiv Bliztball confirmed


FFXIV Stormblood: Blitzball Confirmed! Eu Fan Fest Press Conference Overview
Naten #ffxi Blitzball confirmed


FFXIV Stormblood: Blitzball Confirmed! Eu Fan Fest Press Conference Overview
Naten #ffxiv I am erect with Hype


FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood Trailer
Naten Best part of feast is how you cant tell ppl they are trash now #ffxiv
OneofTargaryensCyberWhores "I'd rather touch myself than ever touch a woman"
OneofTargaryensCyberWhores Targ aka Yolo what is the ratio of touching yourself while cybering to touching a woman?
Marila Shameful cyber bullying a girl #Targaryen
Marila It's impressive that Targ is flexible enough to have his foot in his mouth and head up his A$$ at the same time #Targaryen #Bahamut

Naten don't i know you from xi? o.o
Naten #nfl #ffxiv
Naten #ffxi #ffxiv


Dark Ixion Raged
Marila My fav Galka~
Marila Hi There!
Lecreuset One for Naten:


B-SHOC - Christ-Like Cruisin' (Official Music Video)
Kryshna @natenn
happy late birthday!
Tamoa @Naten I thought you might like this :D