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Miles Saintborough Can't praise the sun alone, can you?
Miles Saintborough Welp, that was an easy quest!
Miles Saintborough Final job quests always interesting.
Miles Saintborough Well, we failed….
Miles Saintborough When a Titan HM run is so bad that I gotta do THIS
Miles Saintborough We reached floor 150 tonight! 50 more to go!
Miles Saintborough Our flawless run from 51 to 100! Here's hoping for a smooth run to the 200th floor!
Miles Saintborough I need a group of 3 people to help me do floor 101 and beyond for Palace of the Dead! To get there, I believe we have to start at floor 51 or floor 1 and work our way up without us wiping ONCE!
Miles Saintborough Ahhh I love this! Just got it!
Miles Saintborough

A12 run, we get closer and closer and then win!


Final Fantasy XIV : Heavensward [Alexander-The Soul of the Creator]
Miles Saintborough

Testing my 1060 nividia card and helping Yoshi with a clear!


Final Fantasy XIV : Heavensward [Alexander-The Heart of the Creator]
Miles Saintborough
Mira and Spike's wedding!


Final Fantasy XIV Eternal Bond [Mira + Spike]