LuluVonFreitz is using Guildwork to keep in touch with MMO friends. Why aren't you?

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Lulu Vonfreitz has joined a guild.
Lulu Vonfreitz's Archer is now level 60.
Lulu Vonfreitz's Astrologian is now level 30.
Lulu Vonfreitz's Machinist is now level 30.
Lulu Vonfreitz has joined a guild.
LuluVonFreitz and Shaan are now friends.
LuluVonFreitz Hey everyone, Quite a bit of stuff going on with the family..grandfather is very sick and a few other things as well, just wanted to say hi and I didn't die, just never around and/or exhausted. I told Iron to do some Aht Urhgan missions for me so hopefully he listens, Hope to see you all soon <3
LuluVonFreitz and Sacred are now friends.
LuluVonFreitz and Ben are now friends.
LuluVonFreitz and Ben are now friends.
LuluVonFreitz and Sidereal are now friends.
LuluVonFreitz and Sidereal are now friends.
LuluVonFreitz and Allyrose are now friends.
Deadplaything we friends