Gradd Helian is using Guildwork to keep in touch with MMO friends. Why aren't you?

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Gradd Helian I'm never playing FF again obviously, but figured I'd share my new Tat on here o_O
Gradd has joined a guild.
Gradd has joined a guild.
Gradd Helian Cleared Sephirot tonight and got a weapon O:
Gradd Helian and Fluffmode are now friends.
Gradd Helian and Fluffmode are now friends.
Gradd Helian and Cassalot are now friends.
Gradd Helian and Cassalot are now friends.
Gradd Helian and Cassalot are now friends.
Gradd Helian Excalibur or Hyperion?
Gradd Helian Does XIV have an item restoration thing like xi? Accidentally dropped something and don't want to farm it again.
Mrs Conservative hey man, where ya at on 14? dont see gradd helian on lodestone
Nitenichi @Gradd Helian Here is the email I sent to your senator :)
Didgist Hey is someone else using Gradd lol