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Gbu join my league team and u can be featured in this video


Genbu - Morgana clips
Gen Bu's Machinist is now level 33.
Gen Bu's Lancer is now level 60.
Gen Bu earned 2 achievements.
Gbu That one time when
Gen Bu's Lancer is now level 59.
Gen Bu earned 2 achievements.
Gen Bu's Lancer is now level 58.
Gen Bu's Rogue is now level 18.
Gen Bu obtained 4 items.
Gen Bu's Lancer is now level 57.
Gen Bu's Fisher is now level 1.
Gen Bu's Lancer is now level 56.
Narbzilla BRING IT @Gbu
Ashmercy Williams @Gbu @Praleart @Bobby


AZN - Asian Pride - Got Rice
Syggers @juste @Praleart @Ashmercy Williams @Odess @Gbu idk if i will be able to make it tonight. my wifes grandfather just had another heart attack so i am heading home to get my wife and head to the hospital.
Xera @Gbu @ashman
>We're Progressing faster than you guys did at T6
>We spent 3 weeks trying to click the objects in patches

Do you faggots even know what those are?
Xera @Gbu I give up. Math and dates are just too hard.
Syggers @Gbu pls invent time machine so it can be 5 pm pdt already
Xera @Gbu Getting asked my height and weight. Looks like the mma weigh in going down