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Zanix Val'koro's Arcanist is now level 55.
Zanix Val'koro's Conjurer is now level 35.
Zanix Val'koro earned 5 achievements.
Zanix Val'koro has joined a guild.
Zanix Val'koro earned 31 achievements.
Zanix Val'koro's Arcanist is now level 54.
Zanix Val'koro's Lancer is now level 60.
Zanix Val'koro's Lancer is now level 53.
Zanix Val'koro earned 3 achievements.
Zanix Val'koro's Arcanist is now level 37.
Zanix Val'koro's Goldsmith is now level 2.
Zanix Val'koro's Lancer is now level 51.
Zanix Val'koro earned 3 achievements.
Zanix Val'koro's Archer is now level 31.
Zanix Val'koro obtained 2 items.
Zanix Val'koro earned 13 achievements.
Zanix Val'koro's Archer is now level 30.
Zanix Val'koro's Astrologian is now level 30.
Zanix Val'koro's Machinist is now level 30.
Zanix Val'koro's Rogue is now level 23.
Zanix Val'koro's Thaumaturge is now level 60.
Zyph @Zanix @Dante



holy shit it's ramuh
Zyph @Zanix


Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker - Snake vs Tigrex and Rathalos
Zyph @Zanix


Dark Souls - Gwyn, Lord of Cinder Acapella
Toblerone Happy Birthday @evanmanz!
Zyph @Zanix
Are you excited?

From an interview with Yoshi-P:

Implementation of Dark Knight
-Strong image of FF Tactics and Ogre Battle
-Image of the two handed swordsman Guts similar to that from the manga Berserk.
Zyph Dammit @Zanix
I'm listening to the entire FFXI OST at work today
Chrees @fax @Zanix @Toblerone @Pia @Lunie Spoilers from last week's episode for anyone who hasn't seen it


Chrees Happy birthday, @Zanix !
Okito Is this along the lines of what you wanted? O.o


Taser Sword! (Finished)