Ccl is using Guildwork to keep in touch with MMO friends. Why aren't you?

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Yazaar Marcus has joined a guild.
Yazaar Marcus has joined a guild.
Yazaar Marcus has joined a guild.
Ccl has joined a guild.
Domina Morte @Ccl Where is your French ass at!?
Ccl has joined a guild.
Ccl and Headstrong are now friends.
Yazaar Marcus's Rogue is now level 60.
Ccl has joined a guild.
Domina Morte @Ccl (let's try this again!)
Domina Morte Just comparing bust sizes with @Ccl
Domina Morte @Nine Tailed Fox Any time you ask me to entertain you, remember this story. :) You too @ccl!
Domina Morte @Ccl afking with something cute, that's all! :O
Domina Morte @Ccl Never sleep again!
Domina Morte @Ccl I knew you Frenchies were dirty.
Domina Morte @Ccl Here's that wank material you asked for!
Domina Morte @Ccl If only this were level 75! :p
Domina Morte @Ccl Since I haven't caught you online~ they are still looking for a BRD but they run Mon/Tues nights :(
fondue @Ccl are you gonna log on tomorrow or wat
fondue @Ccl you suck
Domina Morte @Ccl y u so gimp!
Solara Bandwagon RUN!