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Banhammer has earned the title Albumen Aggrivator.
Banhammer has earned the title Vinipata Vanquisher.
Banhammer has earned the title Dynamis-San d'Oria [D] Infiltrator.
Zombiemalphius has earned the title Illuminator of the 10th Walk.
Zombiemalphius has earned the title Illuminator of the 4th Walk.
Banhammer has earned the title Schah Scraper.
Banhammer has earned the title Teles Terrifier.
Banhammer has earned the title Onychophora Obliterator.
Banhammer has earned the title Yakshi Yanker.
Banhammer has earned the title Maju Mauler.
Banhammer has earned the title Illuminator of the 9th Walk.
Banhammer has earned the title Illuminator of the 6th Walk.
Banhammer has earned the title Illuminator of the 3rd Walk.