We are no longer find this character as we cannot find it on official servers.

Item Date
Ebonflame Robes 493 weeks ago
Fresh-Face Hood 493 weeks ago
Thundersmash Gloves 493 weeks ago
Slag-Coated Cabochon 494 weeks ago
Elemental Rune 494 weeks ago
Spellbound Solium Band of the Kirin-Tor 494 weeks ago
Dagger of the Shattered Crucible 494 weeks ago
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest 495 weeks ago
Sandals of Marauding 495 weeks ago
Cloak of Overflowing Energies 495 weeks ago
Cratermaker Choker 495 weeks ago
Spectator's Sandals of Carnage 495 weeks ago
Grandiose Spire of the Decimator 495 weeks ago
Ebonflame Hood 496 weeks ago
Carapace Shell Shoulders 496 weeks ago
Flamestoker Wraps 496 weeks ago
Meatmonger's Gory Grips 496 weeks ago
Pyroclastic Hood 496 weeks ago
Mountainslide Robes 496 weeks ago
Hexweave Bracers 497 weeks ago
Bracers of Volatile Ice of the Decimator 497 weeks ago
Frost-Touched Legwraps 497 weeks ago
Gug'rokk's Grandmother 497 weeks ago
Portal-Ripper's Staff 497 weeks ago
Robes of Arcane Mystery 497 weeks ago
Ebonflame Spaulders 497 weeks ago
Hexweave Robe 497 weeks ago
Crystalfire Spellstaff 497 weeks ago
Sterilized Handwraps 498 weeks ago
Painbringer's Crystal 498 weeks ago
Frost-Touched Hood 498 weeks ago
Mantle of Swirling Light 498 weeks ago
Robes of Swirling Light 498 weeks ago
Felflame Bracers 498 weeks ago
Gloves of Swirling Light 498 weeks ago
Cord of Swirling Light 498 weeks ago
Stormwind Tabard 498 weeks ago
Timeless Solium Band of the Archmage 498 weeks ago
Scorchburn Cloak 498 weeks ago
Fixated Treads 498 weeks ago
Emblem of Gushing Wounds 498 weeks ago
Rockfall Girdle 498 weeks ago
Fel-Flame Coronet 498 weeks ago
Rotmonger Bracers 498 weeks ago
Whispering Taladite Pendant 498 weeks ago
Munificent Spire of the Decimator 498 weeks ago
Trousers of Volatile Ice of the Decimator 498 weeks ago
Draenic Sorcerer's Mark of the Decimator 498 weeks ago
Fireflash Gloves of the Decimator 498 weeks ago
Felflame Spaulders 498 weeks ago
Crushto's Runic Alarm 498 weeks ago
Golem's Gleaming Eye 498 weeks ago