Title Date
Rumpz Jenkins
Rumpz of the Ashen Verdict
Rumpz of the Four Winds
Rumpz of the Nightfall
Rumpz the Astral Walker
Rumpz the Kingslayer
Rumpz the Light of Dawn
Rumpz the Patient
Rumpz, Blackwing's Bane
Rumpz, Defender of a Shattered World
Rumpz, Destroyer's End
Rumpz, Hellscream's Downfall
Rumpz, Liberator of Orgrimmar
Rumpz, Savior of Azeroth
Rumpz, Southshore Slayer
Assistant Professor Rumpz
Dragonslayer Rumpz
Firelord Rumpz
Twilight Vanquisher Rumpz