We are no longer find this character as we cannot find it on official servers.

Title Date
Arthillius Jenkins
Arthillius of Darnassus
Arthillius of Gnomeregan
Arthillius of Ironforge
Arthillius of Stormwind
Arthillius of the Ashen Verdict
Arthillius of the Exodar
Arthillius of the Four Winds
Arthillius of the Nightfall
Arthillius the Argent Champion
Arthillius the Astral Walker
Arthillius the Beloved
Arthillius the Crazy Cat Man
Arthillius the Diplomat
Arthillius the Exalted
Arthillius the Explorer
Arthillius the Hallowed
Arthillius the Hordebreaker
Arthillius the Kingslayer
Arthillius the Love Fool
Arthillius the Noble
Arthillius the Patient
Arthillius the Pilgrim
Arthillius the Savage Hero
Arthillius the Seeker
Arthillius the Wakener
Arthillius, Blackwing's Bane
Arthillius, Champion of Ulduar
Arthillius, Champion of the Frozen Wastes
Arthillius, Champion of the Naaru
Arthillius, Conqueror of Orgrimmar
Arthillius, Defender of a Shattered World
Arthillius, Destroyer's End
Arthillius, Guardian of Cenarius
Arthillius, Hand of A'dal
Arthillius, Master of the Ways
Ambassador Arthillius
Assistant Professor Arthillius
Associate Professor Arthillius
Brewmaster Arthillius
Chef Arthillius
Crusader Arthillius
Elder Arthillius
Farmer Arthillius
Firelord Arthillius
Flame Warden Arthillius
Master Sergeant Arthillius
Merrymaker Arthillius
Patron Arthillius
Twilight Vanquisher Arthillius