Sub Evil Final Fantasy XIV → Tonberry
played by
Sub Evil
398 weeks ago
Oct 28, 2015
- Item Antiquated Dragonlancer's Mesail
- Item Antiquated Dragonlancer's Plackart
- Item Antiquated Dragonlancer's Vambraces
- Item Antiquated Dragonlancer's Schynbalds
- Item Antiquated Brionac
- Item Prototype Gordian Tassets of Maiming
- Item Prototype Gordian Breeches of Maiming
- Item Prototype Gordian Earrings of Slaying
- Item Prototype Gordian Neckband of Slaying
- Item Prototype Gordian Wristband of Slaying
- Item Prototype Gordian Ring of Slaying
- Item Asuran Ring of Slaying
Sep 01, 2015
- Item Ugly Duckling
Aug 18, 2015
- Item Fat Cat
Aug 11, 2015
- Item Wind-up Cid
- Item Accompaniment Node
- Item Serpent Seal
- Level Lv60 Lancer
Jul 13, 2015
- Level Lv56 Lancer
Jul 12, 2015
- Item Wind-up Alphinaud
- Item Chocobo Chick Courier
- Item Wind-up Kain
- Item Weathered Cross-pein Hammer
- Item black chocobo
- Item manacutter
- Item Wind-up Nanamo
- Item Fat Chocobo Head
- Level Lv55 Lancer
May 03, 2015
- Item Noct Plate Belt
- Item Ironworks Sabatons of Fending
- Item Augmented Ironworks Armor of Fending
- Item Augmented Ironworks Magitek Axe
- Item Demon Helm of Fending
Apr 19, 2015
- Item Longinus Zeta
- Item Augmented Ironworks Visor of Maiming
- Item Augmented Ironworks Belt of Maiming
Mar 13, 2015
Mar 12, 2015
- Item Wind-up Gilgamesh
Mar 06, 2015
Mar 03, 2015
Feb 24, 2015
- Item Tattered Robe
- Item The Guardian's Breastplate of Maiming
- Item Varlet's Breeches
- Item Varlet's Earrings
- Item Picaroon's Ring of Slaying
Feb 23, 2015
Feb 22, 2015
- Item Ballad Crown
- Item Hitsuji Kabuto
- Item Black Hitsuji Kabuto
- Item Demon Chestpiece of Striking
- Item Picaroon's Jacket of Striking
- Item Bogatyr's Rope Belt of Casting
- Item Varlet's Necklace
Feb 13, 2015
- Item Breeches of Light
- Item Hoplite Trousers
- Item Toxotes Ring
- Item Amon's Sleeves
- Item Augmented Ironworks Choker of Slaying
- Item Picaroon's Trousers of Scouting
Feb 12, 2015
- Item Vermilion Chain Coif
- Item Vermilion Skirt
- Item Mercenary's Mitts
- Item Aetherial Cobalt Gauntlets
- Item Vermilion Sollerets
- Item Aetherial Cobalt Sabatons
- Item Thick Haubergeon
- Item Gae Bolg Nexus
- Item Demon Breeches of Fending
Feb 09, 2015
- Item Bogatyr's Ring of Casting
- Item Dark Divinity Hanzkar
- Item Manderville Coatee
- Item Manderville Bottoms
- Item Allagan Spear
- Item The Greater Key of Titan
- Item Omnitome
- Item Allagan Round Shield
- Item Weathered Pickaxe
- Item Weathered Hatchet
- Item Rosewood Fishing Rod
- Item Halcyon Rod
- Item Dream Hat
- Item Hamlet Puller's Hat
- Item Dream Tunic
- Item Red Summer Halter
- Item Lunar Summer Halter
- Item Hyuran Tunic
- Item Apprentice's Doublet
- Item Fisher's Shirt
- Item Red Summer Tanga
- Item Lunar Summer Tanga
- Item Hyuran Breeches
- Item Fisher's Gaskins
- Item Hyuran Gloves
- Item Velveteen Work Gloves
- Item Fisher's Gloves
- Item Dream Boots
- Item Lord's Clogs
- Item Hyuran Thighboots
- Item Engineer's Leggings
- Item Fisher's Wading Boots
- Item Raptorskin Survival Belt
- Item Allagan Tassets of Aiming
- Item Onion Tassets
- Item Raptorskin Wristbands of Gathering
- Item Allagan Bracelets of Striking
- Item Allagan Bracelets of Aiming
- Item Allagan Bracelets of Fending
- Item Inferno Bangle of Fending
- Item Inferno Bangle of Slaying
- Item Tremor Earrings of Fending
- Item Electrum Earrings
- Item Allagan Earrings of Healing
- Item Allagan Earrings of Maiming
- Item Tremor Earrings of Slaying
- Item Vortex Ring of Fending
- Item Vortex Ring of Slaying
- Item Raptorskin Choker
- Item Allagan Choker of Healing
- Item Allagan Choker of Fending
- Item Allagan Choker of Maiming
- Item Vortex Ring of Aiming
- Item Vortex Ring of Healing
- Item Raptorskin Ring
- Item Allagan Ring of Striking
- Item Allagan Ring of Healing
- Item Allagan Ring of Maiming
- Item Allagan Ring of Casting
- Item Soul of the Warrior
- Item Soul of the Bard
- Item Soul of the White Mage
- Item Soul of the Summoner
- Item Soul of the Scholar
- Item Bard's Chapeau
- Item Bard's Ringbands
- Item Bard's Tights
- Item Summoner's Horn
- Item Summoner's Doublet
- Item Summoner's Waistclout
- Item Summoner's Thighboots
- Item Summer Evening Trunks
- Item Black Summer Trunks
- Item Hero's Belt of Casting
- Item Hero's Earrings of Fending
- Item Hero's Earrings of Slaying
- Item Hero's Earrings of Aiming
- Item Hero's Earrings of Healing
- Item Hero's Necklace of Fending
- Item Hero's Necklace of Slaying
- Item Hero's Necklace of Healing
- Item Hero's Bracelet of Fending
- Item Hero's Bracelet of Slaying
- Item Hero's Bracelet of Healing
- Item Hero's Ring of Fending
- Item Hero's Ring of Slaying
- Item Hero's Ring of Aiming
- Item Wave Bow
- Item Snowman Head
- Item Snowman Suit
- Item Snowman Mitts
- Item Valentione Hat
- Item Valentione Apron
- Item Valentione Mitts
- Item Valentione Trousers
- Item Valentione Pattens
- Item High Allagan Trousers of Fending
- Item High Allagan Sabatons of Fending
- Item High Allagan Bracelets of Fending
- Item High Allagan Choker of Fending
- Item High Allagan Sabatons of Maiming
- Item High Allagan Choker of Slaying
- Item High Allagan Boots of Aiming
- Item High Allagan Bracelets of Healing
- Item High Allagan Ring of Healing
- Item High Allagan Gloves of Casting
- Item High Allagan Choker of Casting
- Item Weathered Noct Circlet
- Item Weathered Noct Gauntlets
- Item Weathered Noct Plate Belt
- Item Weathered Noct Ring
- Item Weathered Astrum Helm
- Item Weathered Astrum Sabatons
- Item Weathered Auroral Coif
- Item Weathered Auroral Tabard
- Item Weathered Auroral Bracers
- Item Weathered Daystar Circlet
- Item Weathered Daystar Robe
- Item Weathered Daystar Gloves
- Item Weathered Daystar Breeches
- Item Weathered Daystar Sollerets
- Item Weathered Daystar Belt
- Item Weathered Daystar Earrings
- Item Weathered Daystar Necklace
- Item Weathered Daystar Ring
- Item Weathered Evenstar Earrings
- Item Noct Lorica
- Item Noct Gauntlets
- Item Noct Earrings
- Item Noct Ring
- Item Gloam Earrings
- Item Conquerer
- Item Rosenbogen
- Item Book of Diamonds
- Item Ribbon of Aiming
- Item Goblin Cap
- Item Weathered Daggers
- Item The Guardian's Helm of Maiming
- Item The Guardian's Armguards of Maiming
- Item Amon's Coat
- Item Scylla's Culottes of Healing
- Item Scylla's Culottes of Casting
- Item Judgment Ring of Aiming
- Item Lord's Yukata (Blackflame)
- Item Eternity Ring
- Item Tailcoat of Eternal Passion
- Item Gloves of Eternal Passion
- Item Slacks of Eternal Passion
- Item Boots of Eternal Passion
- Item Augmented Ironworks Sollerets of Maiming
- Item True Ice Brand
- Item True Ice Bow
- Item True Ice Rod
- Item True Ice Bracelet of Fending
- Item True Ice Bracelet of Slaying
- Item True Ice Bracelet of Aiming
- Item True Ice Bracelet of Healing
- Item True Ice Bracelet of Casting
- Item Starlight Sugarloaf Hat
- Item Starlight Tunic
- Item Starlight Tights
- Item Starlight Boots
- Item Best Man's Jacket
- Item Best Man's Slacks
- Item Best Man's Gaiters
- Item False Mustache
- Item Diamond Spear
- Item Demon Greaves of Maiming
- Item Picaroon's Headgear of Maiming
- Item Picaroon's Jacket of Maiming
- Item Picaroon's Trousers of Maiming
- Item Picaroon's Belt of Maiming
- Item Picaroon's Trousers of Striking
- Item Picaroon's Leggings of Striking
- Item Picaroon's Belt of Striking
- Item Picaroon's Jacket of Scouting
- Item Picaroon's Armguards of Scouting
- Item Bogatyr's Rope Belt of Healing
- Item Varlet's Ring
- Item Picaroon's Necklace of Slaying
- Item Picaroon's Armillae of Slaying
Feb 08, 2015
- Item Gil
- Item Wind-up Gentleman
- Item Enkidu
- Item Dated Leather Belt (Ochre)
- Item Ice Cluster
- Item Dated Sheepskin Targe
- Item Serpent Private's Kecks
- Item Markab
- Item ceremony chocobo
- Item Soul of the Dragoon
- Item Cherry Bomb
- Item Mammet #001
- Item Wayward Hatchling
- Item Mammet #003G
- Item Storm Hatchling
- Item Serpent Hatchling
- Item Morbol Seedling
- Item Baby Bun
- Item Chigoe Larva
- Item Wide-eyed Fawn
- Item Infant Imp
- Item Coeurl Kitten
- Item Dust Bunny
- Item Pudgy Puk
- Item Buffalo Calf
- Item Smallshell
- Item Wolf Pup
- Item Beady Eye
- Item Fledgling Dodo
- Item Coblyn Larva
- Item Goobbue Sproutling
- Item Bite-sized Pudding
- Item Demon Brick
- Item Tender Lamb
- Item Slime Puddle
- Item Kidragora
- Item Wind-up Goblin
- Item Wind-up Cursor
- Item Wind-up Airship
- Item Black Chocobo Chick
- Item Wind-up Shantotto
- Item Dated Hempen Doublet (Grey)
- Item Wind-up Brickman
- Item Wind-up Edvya
- Item Minion of Light
- Item Wind-up Leader
- Item Princely Hatchling
- Item High Allagan Trousers of Maiming
- Item Astrum Belt
- Item Gloam Ring
- Item Wind-up Odin
- Item Wind-up Warrior of Light
- Item Minute Mindflayer
- Item Tight-beaked Parrot
- Item Gae Bolg Novus
- Item Onion Prince
- Item Tiny Tapir
- Item Ironworks Armguards of Maiming
- Item Ironworks Sollerets of Maiming
- Item Ironworks Choker of Slaying
- Item Demon Box
- Item Augmented Ironworks Cuirass of Maiming
- Item Augmented Ironworks Bracelet of Slaying
- Item Augmented Ironworks Earrings of Slaying
- Item Augmented Ironworks Ring of Slaying
- Item Hoary the Snowman
- Item Mummy's Little Mummy
- Item Demon Circlet of Maiming