We are no longer find this character as we cannot find it on official servers.

Key Item Date
Way of the boneworker 553 weeks ago
Map of the san d'oria area 577 weeks ago
Map of the bastok area 577 weeks ago
Map of the windurst area 577 weeks ago
Map of the jeuno area 577 weeks ago
Map of qufim island 577 weeks ago
Airship pass 577 weeks ago
Airship pass for kazham 577 weeks ago
Map of the zeruhn mines 577 weeks ago
Map of the eldieme necropolis 577 weeks ago
Map of the garlaige citadel 577 weeks ago
Map of the palborough mines 577 weeks ago
Map of beadeaux 577 weeks ago
Map of the elshimo regions 577 weeks ago
Map of the li'telor region 577 weeks ago
Map of bibiki bay 577 weeks ago
Mega moglification: bonecraft 577 weeks ago
Synergy crucible 577 weeks ago
Dropped item 577 weeks ago
Holla gate crystal 577 weeks ago
Mea gate crystal 577 weeks ago
Yhoator gate crystal 577 weeks ago
Bone purification 577 weeks ago
Green sentinel badge 577 weeks ago
Tattered maze monger pouch 577 weeks ago