We are no longer find this character as we cannot find it on official servers.

Onedarkflame's Bard is now level 99.
Onedarkflame's Bard is now level 91.
Onedarkflame's Bard is now level 76.
Onedarkflame's Bard is now level 25.
Onedarkflame has earned the title Quetzalcoatl Plucker.
Onedarkflame has earned the title Naga Raja Nullifier.
Onedarkflame's Alchemy is now level 61.
Onedarkflame's Woodworking is now level 70.
Onedarkflame's Dragoon is now level 52.
Onedarkflame's Bonecraft is now level 61.
Onedarkflame's Goldsmithing is now level 70.
Onedarkflame's Leathercrafting is now level 70.
Onedarkflame's Smithing is now level 70.
Onedarkflame obtained 2 items.