We are no longer find this character as we cannot find it on official servers.

Key Item Date
Voidstone 548 weeks ago
Voidstone 548 weeks ago
Voidstone 548 weeks ago
Voidstone 548 weeks ago
Voidstone 548 weeks ago
Voidstone 548 weeks ago
Kupofried's corundum 548 weeks ago
Kupofried's corundum 548 weeks ago
Kupofried's corundum 548 weeks ago
Gerhilde's feather 548 weeks ago
Weapons order 555 weeks ago
Whisper of the wyrmking 555 weeks ago
Map of ordelle's caves 555 weeks ago
Rivernewort 555 weeks ago
Letter from shikaree y 555 weeks ago
Map of ghelsba 555 weeks ago
Map of davoi 555 weeks ago
Weapon training guide 555 weeks ago
Knight's confession 555 weeks ago
Dummy 19 560 weeks ago
Dummy 9 565 weeks ago
Silver sea ferry ticket 565 weeks ago
Brunhilde's feather 565 weeks ago
Angel skin key 578 weeks ago
Barge multi-ticket 581 weeks ago
Dummy 4 581 weeks ago
Emerald demilune abyssite 581 weeks ago
Dummy 7 581 weeks ago
Dummy 8 581 weeks ago
S wildcat badge 581 weeks ago
Beguiling petrifact 594 weeks ago
Dummy 6 594 weeks ago
Dummy 5 594 weeks ago
Dummy 11 594 weeks ago
Marbled mutton chop 595 weeks ago
Severed gigas collar 595 weeks ago
Bloodied saber tooth 595 weeks ago
Warped gigas armband 595 weeks ago
Dented gigas shield 595 weeks ago
Maddening petrifact 595 weeks ago
Bulbous crawler cocoon 595 weeks ago
Begrimed dragon hide 596 weeks ago
Molted peiste skin 596 weeks ago
Jagged apkallu beak 596 weeks ago
Gnarled lizard nail 596 weeks ago
Clipped bird wing 596 weeks ago
Prototype attuner 596 weeks ago
Imperial army i.d. tag 597 weeks ago
Grimoire 597 weeks ago
Scoop-dedicated linkpearl 597 weeks ago
Moblin pheromone sack 598 weeks ago
Malicious horn 598 weeks ago
Grimoire page 598 weeks ago
Geomagnetron 599 weeks ago
Dummy 1 599 weeks ago
Dummy 2 599 weeks ago
Atma of luminous wings 603 weeks ago
Mannequin joint diagrams 604 weeks ago
Map of king ranperre's tomb 604 weeks ago
Pulsating shard 604 weeks ago
Ferry ticket 606 weeks ago
Traverser stone 606 weeks ago
Traverser stone 606 weeks ago
Map of dynamis - jeuno 606 weeks ago
Map of dynamis - beaucedine 606 weeks ago
Map of dynamis - xarcabard 606 weeks ago
Map of dynamis - valkurm 606 weeks ago
Map of dynamis - buburimu 606 weeks ago
Map of dynamis - qufim 606 weeks ago
Map of dynamis - tavnazia 606 weeks ago
Serpent rumors 606 weeks ago
Anglers' almanac 606 weeks ago
Espionage pearlsack 606 weeks ago
Atma of echoes 606 weeks ago
Atma of dread 606 weeks ago
Atma of ambition 606 weeks ago
Atma of the beast king 606 weeks ago
Atma of the kirin 606 weeks ago
Atma of hell's guardian 606 weeks ago
Atma of the dragon rider 606 weeks ago
Atma of the impenetrable 606 weeks ago
Atma of alpha and omega 606 weeks ago
Atma of the ultimate 606 weeks ago
Atma of the hybrid beast 606 weeks ago
Atma of the dark depths 606 weeks ago
Atma of the zenith 606 weeks ago
Atma of the rescuer 606 weeks ago
Atma of nightmares 606 weeks ago
Atma of the einherjar 606 weeks ago
Atma of the illuminator 606 weeks ago
Atma of the griffon's claw 606 weeks ago
Atma of roaring laughter 606 weeks ago
Atma of the ducal guard 606 weeks ago
Piece of sodden oak lumber 606 weeks ago
Frostbloom 606 weeks ago
Periapt of emergence 606 weeks ago
Periapt of emergence 606 weeks ago
Periapt of emergence 606 weeks ago
Periapt of guidance 606 weeks ago
Periapt of percipience 606 weeks ago
Vivid periapt of concord 606 weeks ago
Dusky periapt of concord 606 weeks ago
Vivid periapt of catalysis 606 weeks ago
Dusky periapt of catalysis 606 weeks ago
Vivid periapt of exploration 606 weeks ago
Dusky periapt of exploration 606 weeks ago
Vivid periapt of frontiers 606 weeks ago
Dusky periapt of frontiers 606 weeks ago
Neutral periapt of frontiers 606 weeks ago
Vivid periapt of concentration 606 weeks ago
Dusky periapt of concentration 606 weeks ago
Vivid periapt of glory 606 weeks ago
Dusky periapt of glory 606 weeks ago
Vivid periapt of focus 606 weeks ago
Dusky periapt of focus 606 weeks ago
Vivid periapt of intensity 606 weeks ago
Dusky periapt of intensity 606 weeks ago
Vivid periapt of readiness 606 weeks ago
Dusky periapt of readiness 606 weeks ago
Vivid periapt of adaptability 606 weeks ago
Dusky periapt of adaptability 606 weeks ago
Vivid periapt of vigilance 606 weeks ago
Dusky periapt of vigilance 606 weeks ago
Vivid periapt of prudence 606 weeks ago
Dusky periapt of prudence 606 weeks ago
Periapt of recompense 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of devotion 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of persistence 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of eminence 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of onslaught 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of incursion 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of enticement 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of destruction 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of temperance 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of discipline 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of coercion 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of finesse 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of latitude 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of mysticism 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of rapidity 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of preparedness 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of deluges 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of unity 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of exhortation 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of skyblaze 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of the slayer 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of the adamant 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of the valiant 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of the shrewd 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of the vanguard 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of assailment 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of cataphract 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of the parapet 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of imperium 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of the solipsist 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of provenance 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of dark designs 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of the forager 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of glaciers 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of affinity 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of the depths 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of the assassin 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of aplomb 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of the tropics 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of curses 606 weeks ago
Atmacite of preservation 606 weeks ago
Periapt of sapience 606 weeks ago
Periapt of clarity 606 weeks ago
Map of al zahbi 606 weeks ago
Map of nashmau 606 weeks ago
Map of wajaom woodlands 606 weeks ago
Map of mamook 606 weeks ago
Map of halvung 606 weeks ago
Map of arrapago reef 606 weeks ago
Map of bhaflau thickets 606 weeks ago
Map of abyssea - la theine 606 weeks ago
Map of abyssea - konschtat 606 weeks ago
Map of abyssea - tahrongi 606 weeks ago
Map of abyssea - attohwa 606 weeks ago
Map of abyssea - misareaux 606 weeks ago
Map of abyssea - vunkerl 606 weeks ago
Map of abyssea - altepa 606 weeks ago
Map of abyssea - uleguerand 606 weeks ago
Map of abyssea - grauberg 606 weeks ago
Map of dynamis - san d'oria 606 weeks ago
Map of dynamis - bastok 606 weeks ago
Map of dynamis - windurst 606 weeks ago
Atma of the voracious violet 606 weeks ago
Atma of cloak and dagger 606 weeks ago
Atma of the stormbird 606 weeks ago
Atma of the noxious fang 606 weeks ago
Atma of vicissitude 606 weeks ago
Atma of the beyond 606 weeks ago
Atma of stormbreath 606 weeks ago
Atma of gales 606 weeks ago
Atma of thrashing tendrils 606 weeks ago
Atma of the drifter 606 weeks ago
Atma of the stronghold 606 weeks ago
Atma of the harvester 606 weeks ago
Atma of dunes 606 weeks ago
Atma of the cosmos 606 weeks ago
Atma of the siren shadow 606 weeks ago
Atma of the impaler 606 weeks ago
Atma of the adamantine 606 weeks ago
Atma of calamity 606 weeks ago
Atma of the claw 606 weeks ago
Atma of baleful bones 606 weeks ago
Atma of the clawed butterfly 606 weeks ago
Atma of the desert worm 606 weeks ago
Atma of the undying 606 weeks ago
Atma of the impregnable tower 606 weeks ago
Atma of the smoldering sky 606 weeks ago
Atma of the demonic skewer 606 weeks ago
Atma of the golden claw 606 weeks ago
Atma of the glutinous ooze 606 weeks ago
Atma of the lightning beast 606 weeks ago
Atma of the noxious bloom 606 weeks ago
Atma of the gnarled horn 606 weeks ago
Atma of the strangling wind 606 weeks ago
Atma of the deep devourer 606 weeks ago
Atma of the mounted champion 606 weeks ago
Atma of the razed ruins 606 weeks ago
Atma of the bludgeoning brute 606 weeks ago
Atma of the sanguine scythe 606 weeks ago
Atma of the tusked terror 606 weeks ago
Atma of the minikin monstrosity 606 weeks ago
Atma of the would-be king 606 weeks ago
Atma of apparitions 606 weeks ago
Atma of the murky miasma 606 weeks ago
Atma of the merciless matriarch 606 weeks ago
Atma of the brother wolf 606 weeks ago
Atma of the earth wyrm 606 weeks ago
Atma of the ascending one 606 weeks ago
Atma of the scorpion queen 606 weeks ago
Atma of a thousand needles 606 weeks ago
Atma of the burning effigy 606 weeks ago
Atma of the smiting blow 606 weeks ago
Atma of the lone wolf 606 weeks ago
Atma of the crimson scale 606 weeks ago
Atma of the scarlet wing 606 weeks ago
Atma of the raised tail 606 weeks ago
Atma of the sand emperor 606 weeks ago
Atma of the omnipotent 606 weeks ago
Atma of the war lion 606 weeks ago
Atma of the frozen fetters 606 weeks ago
Atma of the plaguebringer 606 weeks ago
Atma of the shrieking one 606 weeks ago
Atma of the holy mountain 606 weeks ago
Atma of the lake lurker 606 weeks ago
Atma of the crushing cudgel 606 weeks ago
Atma of purgatory 606 weeks ago
Atma of blighted breath 606 weeks ago
Atma of the persistent predator 606 weeks ago
Atma of the stone god 606 weeks ago
Atma of the sun eater 606 weeks ago
Atma of the despot 606 weeks ago
Atma of the solitary one 606 weeks ago
Atma of the winged gloom 606 weeks ago
Atma of the sea daughter 606 weeks ago
Atma of the hateful stream 606 weeks ago
Atma of the endless nightmare 606 weeks ago
Atma of the sundering slash 606 weeks ago
Atma of entwined serpents 606 weeks ago
Atma of the horned beast 606 weeks ago
Atma of aquatic ardor 606 weeks ago
Atma of the apocalypse 606 weeks ago
Ivory abyssite of sojourn 606 weeks ago
Scarlet abyssite of sojourn 606 weeks ago
Jade abyssite of sojourn 606 weeks ago
Sapphire abyssite of sojourn 606 weeks ago
Indigo abyssite of sojourn 606 weeks ago
Emerald abyssite of sojourn 606 weeks ago
Azure abyssite of celerity 606 weeks ago
Crimson abyssite of celerity 606 weeks ago
Ivory abyssite of celerity 606 weeks ago
Viridian abyssite of avarice 606 weeks ago
Ivory abyssite of avarice 606 weeks ago
Vermillion abyssite of avarice 606 weeks ago
Ivory abyssite of confluence 606 weeks ago
Crimson abyssite of confluence 606 weeks ago
Ivory abyssite of expertise 606 weeks ago
Jade abyssite of expertise 606 weeks ago
Ivory abyssite of fortune 606 weeks ago
Sapphire abyssite of fortune 606 weeks ago
Emerald abyssite of fortune 606 weeks ago
Ivory abyssite of kismet 606 weeks ago
Vermillion abyssite of kismet 606 weeks ago
Ivory abyssite of prosperity 606 weeks ago
Viridian abyssite of destiny 606 weeks ago
Crimson abyssite of destiny 606 weeks ago
Ivory abyssite of destiny 606 weeks ago
Ivory abyssite of acumen 606 weeks ago
Crimson abyssite of acumen 606 weeks ago
Emerald abyssite of acumen 606 weeks ago
Scarlet abyssite of lenity 606 weeks ago
Azure abyssite of lenity 606 weeks ago
Sapphire abyssite of lenity 606 weeks ago
Scarlet abyssite of perspicacity 606 weeks ago
Ivory abyssite of perspicacity 606 weeks ago
Verm. abyssite of perspicacity 606 weeks ago
Azure abyssite of the reaper 606 weeks ago
Ivory abyssite of the reaper 606 weeks ago
Indigo abyssite of the reaper 606 weeks ago
Ivory abyssite of guerdon 606 weeks ago
Vermillion abyssite of guerdon 606 weeks ago
Scarlet abyssite of furtherance 606 weeks ago
Sapphire abyssite of furtherance 606 weeks ago
Ivory abyssite of furtherance 606 weeks ago
Viridian abyssite of merit 606 weeks ago
Jade abyssite of merit 606 weeks ago
Sapphire abyssite of merit 606 weeks ago
Ivory abyssite of merit 606 weeks ago
Indigo abyssite of merit 606 weeks ago
Lunar abyssite 606 weeks ago
Lunar abyssite 606 weeks ago
Lunar abyssite 606 weeks ago
Abyssite of discernment 606 weeks ago
Abyssite of the cosmos 606 weeks ago
Ashen stratum abyssite iii 606 weeks ago
White stratum abyssite vi 606 weeks ago
Venomous peiste claw 606 weeks ago
Cracked wivre horn 606 weeks ago
Overgrown mandragora flower 606 weeks ago
Chipped sandworm tooth 606 weeks ago
Blood-smeared gigas helm 606 weeks ago
Glittering pixie choker 606 weeks ago
Pellucid fly eye 606 weeks ago
Cracked skeleton clavicle 606 weeks ago
Rusted hound collar 606 weeks ago
Glistening orobon liver 606 weeks ago
Doffed poroggo hat 606 weeks ago
Broken iron giant spike 606 weeks ago
Resplendent roc quill 606 weeks ago
Decaying diremite fang 606 weeks ago
Shattered iron giant chain 606 weeks ago
Battle trophy: 1st echelon 606 weeks ago
Battle trophy: 2nd echelon 606 weeks ago
Battle trophy: 3rd echelon 606 weeks ago
Battle trophy: 4th echelon 606 weeks ago
Battle trophy: 5th echelon 606 weeks ago
Prismatic hourglass 606 weeks ago
Rainbow pearl 606 weeks ago
Kupofried's medallion 606 weeks ago
Mineral gauge for dummies 606 weeks ago
Vahzl gate crystal 606 weeks ago
Yhoator gate crystal 606 weeks ago
Altepa gate crystal 606 weeks ago
Tattered maze monger pouch 606 weeks ago
Crimson stratum abyssite iv 606 weeks ago
Indigo stratum abyssite iv 606 weeks ago
Jade stratum abyssite iv 606 weeks ago
Map of abdh. isle-purgonorgo 606 weeks ago
Map of the san d'oria area 606 weeks ago
Map of the bastok area 606 weeks ago
Map of the windurst area 606 weeks ago
Map of the jeuno area 606 weeks ago
Map of qufim island 606 weeks ago
Map of the northlands area 606 weeks ago
Map of the dangruf wadi 606 weeks ago
Map of bostaunieux oubliette 606 weeks ago
Map of the zeruhn mines 606 weeks ago
Map of the maze of shakhrami 606 weeks ago
Map of the eldieme necropolis 606 weeks ago
Map of the garlaige citadel 606 weeks ago
Map of the palborough mines 606 weeks ago
Map of beadeaux 606 weeks ago
Map of giddeus 606 weeks ago
Map of castle oztroja 606 weeks ago
Map of delkfutt's tower 606 weeks ago
Map of the elshimo regions 606 weeks ago
Map of the kuzotz region 606 weeks ago
Map of the ru'aun gardens 606 weeks ago
Map of norg 606 weeks ago
Map of the korroloka tunnel 606 weeks ago
Map of the kuftal tunnel 606 weeks ago
Map of the boyahda tree 606 weeks ago
Map of the quicksand caves 606 weeks ago
Map of the vollbow region 606 weeks ago
Map of the labyrinth of onzozo 606 weeks ago
Map of tavnazia 606 weeks ago
Map of dio. abdhaljs-ghelsba 606 weeks ago
Cerulean crystal 606 weeks ago
Shard of apathy 606 weeks ago
Shard of arrogance 606 weeks ago
Shard of cowardice 606 weeks ago
Shard of envy 606 weeks ago
Shard of rage 606 weeks ago
Hydra corps command scepter 606 weeks ago
Hydra corps eyeglass 606 weeks ago
Hydra corps lantern 606 weeks ago
Hydra corps tactical map 606 weeks ago
Hydra corps insignia 606 weeks ago
Hydra corps battle standard 606 weeks ago
Vial of shrouded sand 606 weeks ago
Letter to the san. conflict cmd. 606 weeks ago
Letter to the win. conflict cmd. 606 weeks ago
Ye olde mannequin catalogue 606 weeks ago
Mega moglification: fishing 606 weeks ago
Ballista license 606 weeks ago
Ballista instaport 606 weeks ago
Reliquiarium key 606 weeks ago
Mystic ice 606 weeks ago
Blue bracelet 606 weeks ago
Pso'xja pass 606 weeks ago
Limit breaker 606 weeks ago
Phoenix armlet 606 weeks ago
Manaclipper multi-ticket 606 weeks ago
Censer of abandonment 606 weeks ago
Censer of antipathy 606 weeks ago
Censer of animus 606 weeks ago
Censer of acrimony 606 weeks ago
Monarch beard 606 weeks ago
Marble bridge coaster 606 weeks ago
Lamp lighter's membership card 606 weeks ago
Shaft gate operating dial 606 weeks ago
Brand of dawn 606 weeks ago
Brand of twilight 606 weeks ago
Petra shovel 606 weeks ago
Tear of altana 606 weeks ago
Dynamis - valkurm sliver 606 weeks ago
Dynamis - buburimu sliver 606 weeks ago
Dynamis - qufim sliver 606 weeks ago
Dynamis - tavnazia sliver 606 weeks ago
Green sentinel badge 606 weeks ago
Dkhaaya's research journal 606 weeks ago
Mark of zahak 606 weeks ago
Image recorder 606 weeks ago
Boarding permit 606 weeks ago
Astral compass 606 weeks ago
Runic disc 606 weeks ago
Runic key 606 weeks ago
Mark of the einherjar 606 weeks ago
Pure white feather 606 weeks ago
Clump of animal hair 606 weeks ago
Bronze ribbon of service ∮ 606 weeks ago
Brass ribbon of service ∮∮ 606 weeks ago
Allied ribbon of bravery ∮∮∮ 606 weeks ago
Allied ribbon of glory ∮∮∮∮ 606 weeks ago
Bronze star ∮ 606 weeks ago
Sterling star ∮∮ 606 weeks ago
Mythril star ∮∮∮ 606 weeks ago
Golden star ∮∮∮∮ 606 weeks ago
Copper emblem of service ∮ 606 weeks ago
Iron emblem of service ∮∮ 606 weeks ago
Steelknight emblem ∮∮∮ 606 weeks ago
Holyknight emblem ∮∮∮∮ 606 weeks ago
Brass wings of service ∮ 606 weeks ago
Mythril wings of service ∮∮ 606 weeks ago
Wings of integrity ∮∮∮ 606 weeks ago
Wings of honor ∮∮∮∮ 606 weeks ago
Starlight medal ∮ 606 weeks ago
Moonlight medal ∮∮ 606 weeks ago
Dawnlight medal ∮∮∮ 606 weeks ago
Inky black yagudo feather 606 weeks ago
Jugner gate crystal 606 weeks ago
Pashhow gate crystal 606 weeks ago
Meriphataud gate crystal 606 weeks ago
Fallow-colored seal 606 weeks ago
Taupe-colored seal 606 weeks ago
Sienna-colored seal 606 weeks ago
Bowl of bland goblin salad 606 weeks ago
Jug of greasy goblin juice 606 weeks ago
Chunk of smoked goblin grub 606 weeks ago
Delkfutt key 606 weeks ago
Sturdy metal strip 606 weeks ago
Chocobo key 606 weeks ago
Lightning sap crystal 606 weeks ago
Synergy crucible 606 weeks ago
Magian trial log 606 weeks ago
Atma of the lion 606 weeks ago
Atma of the stout arm 606 weeks ago
Atma of allure 606 weeks ago
Atma of eternity 606 weeks ago
Atma of the heavens 606 weeks ago
Atma of the baying moon 606 weeks ago
Atma of the ebon hoof 606 weeks ago
Atma of the savage tiger 606 weeks ago
Voidwatcher's emblem: jeuno 606 weeks ago
Voidwatcher's emblem: qufim 606 weeks ago
Tricolor voidwatcher's emblem 606 weeks ago
Starlight voidwatcher's emblem 606 weeks ago
Airship pass 606 weeks ago
Airship pass for kazham 606 weeks ago
Heart of the bushin 606 weeks ago
Hyacinth stratum abyssite ii 606 weeks ago
Amber stratum abyssite ii 606 weeks ago
Clairvoy ant 606 weeks ago
Yagudo torch 606 weeks ago
Crest of davoi 606 weeks ago
Note from hariga-origa 606 weeks ago
Adventurer's certificate 606 weeks ago
Silver bell 606 weeks ago
Coruscant rosary 606 weeks ago
Black matinee necklace 606 weeks ago
Archducal audience permit 606 weeks ago
Stamp sheet 606 weeks ago
Tenshodo member's card 606 weeks ago
Chocobo license 606 weeks ago
Squire certificate 606 weeks ago
Ocular orb 606 weeks ago
Noxious grime 606 weeks ago
Tami's note 606 weeks ago
Curilla's bottle 606 weeks ago
Letter from zeid 606 weeks ago
Gang whereabouts note 606 weeks ago
First forged envelope 606 weeks ago
Second forged envelope 606 weeks ago
Prismatic fragment 606 weeks ago
Whisper of dreams 606 weeks ago
Holla gate crystal 606 weeks ago
Dem gate crystal 606 weeks ago
Mea gate crystal 606 weeks ago