Minigadget Final Fantasy XI → Lakshmi
played by
100 weeks ago
Jun 01, 2018
- Item Adhara Manteel
- Item Ogier's Gauntlets
- Item Ephedra Ring
- Item Wiglen Gorget
- Item Aoidos' Matinee
- Item Twilight Torque
- Item Puffin Ring
- Item Noddy Ring
- Item Demonry Sash
- Item Anhur Robe
- Item Fsh. Tunica
- Item Fsh. Gloves
- Item Fisherman's Boots
- Item Fisherman's Hose
- Item Fisherman's Belt
- Item Slice of Bluetail
- Item Slice of Carp
- Item Rotten Meat
- Item Crayfish Ball
- Item Insect Ball
- Item Trout Ball
- Item Meatball
- Item Robber Rig
- Item Drill Calamary
- Item Lu Shang's F. Rod
- Item Sliced Sardine
- Item Lugworm
- Item Little Worm
- Item Rogue Rig
- Item Sabiki Rig
- Item Sinking Minnow
- Item Shrimp Lure
- Item Frog Lure
- Item Worm Lure
- Item Fly Lure
- Item Minnow
- Item Acinaces
- Item Oneiros Knife
- Item Ebisu F. Rod +1
- Item Sea Dragon Liver
- Item Tlalpoloani
- Item Kunimune
- Item Marin Staff +1
- Item Elder's Grip +1
- Item Atalanta
- Item .
- Item Was
- Item Odyssean Helm
- Item Merlinic Hood
- Item Decimus Torque
- Item Yarak Torque
- Item Maskirova Torque
- Item Deino Collar
- Item Anu Torque
- Item Erra Pendant
- Item Scintillating Cape
- Item Rosette Jaseran
- Item Merlinic Dastanas
- Item Rawhide Boots
- Item Merlinic Crackows
- Item Chironic Slippers
- Item Subtlety Spec.
- Item Slither Gloves +1
- Item Mes'yohi Slacks
- Item Gorney Brayettes
- Item Nefarious Collar +1
- Item Grunfeld Rope
- Item Tengu-no-Obi
- Item Fucho-no-Obi
- Item Dynamic Belt +1
- Item Lifestream Cape
- Title Lu Shang-like Fisher King
- Level Lv33 Red Mage
- Level Lv52 Cooking
May 29, 2017
- Item Birdbanes
May 02, 2017
- Item Adhara Crackows
- Item Mextli Harness
- Item Sha'ir Manteel
- Item Fenian Ring
- Item Oneiros Harp
- Item Sagasinger
- Item Kali
- Item Legato Dagger
- Item Claidheamh Soluis
- Item Tancho
- Item Nibiru Cudgel
- Item Herkuleskeule
- Item Vadose Rod
- Item Nibiru Staff
- Item Falubeza
- Item Blurred Harp
- Item .
- Item Falcon Eye
- Item Caliber Ring
- Item Emet Harness
- Item Lugra Cloak
- Item Pursuer's Doublet
- Item Inspirited Boots
- Item Thorfinn Shield
- Item Ighwa Trousers
- Item Gendewitha Spats
- Item Ovate Rope
- Item Arete del Luna
- Title Wandering Minstrel
- Level Lv99 Bard
Apr 24, 2017
- Item Musical Earring
- Item Blurred Axe
- Item Takaha Mantle
Apr 21, 2017
- Item Noble's Tunic
- Item Chocobo Wand
- Item Nukemaru
- Item Ikarigiri
- Item Pukulatmuj
- Item Levante Dagger
- Item Anahera Saber
- Item Instigator
- Item Devivifier
- Item Solstice
- Item Ababinili
- Item Plumose Sachet
- Item Piety Cap
- Item Rawhide Mask
- Item Foppish Tunica
- Item Shomonjijoe
- Item Rawhide Vest
- Item Gende. Caubeen +1
- Item Mendi. Earring
Apr 16, 2017
- Item Lasaia Pendant
- Item Hauberk
- Item Sorcerer's Ring
- Item Love Torque
- Item Ossa Grip
- Item Claymore Grip
- Item Odium
- Item Ngqoqwanb
- Item Immolation Grip
- Item Achaq Grip
- Item Tzacab Grip
- Item Niobid Strap
- Item Theo. Briault +2
- Item Th. Pantaloons +2
- Item Lissome Necklace
- Item Chirich Ring
- Item Kishar Ring
- Item Artio's Mantle
- Item Onca Suit
- Item Pursuer's Cuffs
- Item Nabu's Tiara
- Item Lebeche Ring
- Item Patricius Ring
- Item Anchoret's Mantle
Apr 03, 2017
- Item Demonry Ring
- Item Silver Obi
- Item Befouled Crown
- Item Kaykaus Boots
- Item Aurist's Cloak
- Item Cizin Mail +1
- Item Svelt. Gouriz +1
- Level Lv99 Black Mage
- Level Lv1 Blue Mage
- Level Lv1 Bard
- Level Lv99 Beastmaster
- Level Lv1 Corsair
- Level Lv57 Dancer
- Level Lv1 Dragoon
- Level Lv1 Dark Knight
- Level Lv1 Geomancer
- Level Lv1 Monk
- Level Lv30 Ninja
- Level Lv1 Paladin
- Level Lv1 Puppetmaster
- Level Lv30 Red Mage
- Level Lv1 Ranger
- Level Lv1 Rune Fencer
- Level Lv1 Samurai
- Level Lv51 Scholar
- Level Lv99 Summoner
- Level Lv99 Thief
- Level Lv1 Warrior
- Level Lv99 White Mage
- Level Lv78 Alchemy
- Bonecraft
- Clothcraft
- Level Lv33 Cooking
- Level Lv110 Fishing
- Goldsmithing
- Leathercrafting
- Smithing
- Synergy
- Woodworking
Mar 25, 2017
- Item Enmerkar Earring
Mar 23, 2017
- Item Hexed Bliaut
- Item Matanca Harness
- Item Enif Corazza
- Item Krabat Jacket
- Item Baalmuian Robe
- Item Febro Kaftan
- Item Kokou's Earring
- Item Beatific Earring
- Item Enif Manopolas
- Item Murzim Manopolas
- Item Shedir Seraweels
- Item Hexed Boots
- Item Shedir Crackows
- Item Malison Medallion
- Item Orunmila's Torque
- Item Kheper Bonnet
- Item Auspex Coif
- Item Enif Zucchetto
- Item Adhara Turban
- Item Laeradr Helm
- Item Kumarbi's Akar
- Item Eirene's Manteel
- Item Phorcys Korazin
- Item Thaumas Coat
- Item Nares Saio
- Item Tessera Saio
- Item Hedera Cotehardie
- Item Spurrina Doublet
- Item Ayao's Gages
- Item Phorcys Mitts
- Item Thaumas Gloves
- Item Nares Cuffs
- Item Hrafn Gauntlets
- Item Paean Cuffs
- Item Phorcys Dirs
- Item Thaumas Kecks
- Item Nares Trews
- Item Hexed Hose
- Item Hexed Slops
- Item Phorcys Schuhs
- Item Thaumas Nails
- Item Nares Clogs
- Item Hrafn Gambieras
- Item Asn. Armlets +2
- Item Mst. Gloves +2
- Item Prolix Ring
- Item Vertigo Ring
- Item Veneficium Ring
- Item Maquette Ring
- Item Haoma's Ring
- Item Bishop's Sash
- Item Cimmerian Sash
- Item Witful Belt
- Item Slipor Sash
- Item Othila Sash
- Item Phorcys Salade
- Item Thaumas Hat
- Item Nares Cap
- Item Fisher's Torque
- Item Ganesha's Mala
- Item Goldsm. Torque
- Item Stoicheion Medal
- Item Phalaina Locket
- Item Archon Cape
- Item Algidus Cape
- Item Strophadic Earring
- Item Earthcry Earring
- Item Terminus Earring
- Item Esper Earring
- Item Pensee Earring
- Item Raid. Bonnet +2
- Item Raid. Poulaines +2
- Item Goetia Petasos +1
- Item Goetia Coat +1
- Item Raider's Vest +1
- Item Custom Gilet +1
- Item Spurrer Beret
- Item Nexus Cape
- Item Unkai Nodowa
- Item Orison Locket
- Item Ferine Necklace
- Item Chrys. Torque
- Item Magoraga Beads
- Item Strigoi Ring
- Item Sirona's Ring
- Item Archon Ring
- Item Fervor Ring
- Item Moonshade Earring
- Item Ferine Earring
- Item Austerity Belt
- Item Fisher's Rope
- Item Mujin Obi
- Item Destrier Beret
- Item Appetence Crown
- Item Oneiros Headgear
- Item Toci's Harness
- Item Heka's Kalasiris
- Item Mekira Meikogai
- Item Haven Hose
- Item Whirlwind Dirs
- Item Ogier's Breeches
- Item Goetia Sabots
- Item Ferine Ocreae
- Item Lncr. Schynbalds
- Item Genbu's Shield
- Item Koenig Cuirass
- Item Kirin's Osode
- Item Seiryu's Kote
- Item Byakko's Haidate
- Item Stone Gorget
- Item Cheviot Cape
- Item Serpentes Sabots
- Item Healer's Duckbills
- Item Evoker's Spats
- Item Homam Corazza
- Item Valhalla Brstplate
- Item Vulcan's Ring
- Item Moldavite Earring
- Item Suppanomimi
- Item Augment. Earring
- Item Loquac. Earring
- Item Homam Manopolas
- Item Serpentes Cuffs
- Item Cleric's Cap
- Item Assassin's Bonnet
- Item Monster Helm
- Item Assassin's Vest
- Item Monster Jackcoat
- Item Summoner's Dblt.
- Item Sorcerer's Gloves
- Item Sorcerer's Tonban
- Item Assassin's Pouln.
- Item Monster Gaiters
- Item Empress Hairpin
- Item Birdman Cape
- Item Merciful Cape
- Item Peacock Amulet
- Item Sacrifice Torque
- Item Nashira Seraweels
- Item Usukane Sune-Ate
- Item Trotter Boots
- Item Emperor Band
- Item Seagull Ring
- Item Excelsis Ring
- Item Cascade Belt
- Item Goblin Belt
- Item Twilight Belt
- Item Siegel Sash
- Item Graiai Earring
- Item Ares' Mask
- Item Twilight Cape
- Item Atheling Mantle
- Item Bandolero Scarf
- Item Sanctus Rosary
- Item Thief's Knife
- Item Ebisu Fishing Rod
- Item Beneficus
- Item Siriti
- Item Joyeuse
- Item Hauteclaire
- Item .
- Item Muddy Broth
- Item Tenkomaru
- Item Himthige
- Item Aytanri
- Item Ravana's Axe
- Item Twilight Scythe
- Item Adflictio
- Item Chatoyant Staff
- Item Wizzan Grip
- Item Dominie's Grip
- Item Ephemeron
- Item Swiftwing
- Item Sword Strap
- Item Pole Grip
- Item Curatio Grip
- Item Quire Grip
- Item Machismo
- Item Twilight Knife
- Item Borealis
- Item White Tathlum
- Item Impatiens
- Item Oneiros Pebble
- Item Iron Gobbet
- Item Herja's Fork
- Item Calved Claws
- Item Enchufla
- Item Shijo
- Item Nibiru Knife
- Item .
- Item Ipetam
- Item Vanir Knife
- Item Izhiikoh
- Item Macoquetza
- Item Iris
- Item Soulcleaver
- Item Foreshock Sword
- Item Macbain
- Item Skullrender
- Item Mdomo Axe
- Item Nibiru Tabar
- Item Kumbhakarna
- Item Hatxiik
- Item Anahera Tabar
- Item Anahera Scythe
- Item Olyndicus
- Item Kumalo
- Item Aizushintogo
- Item Mijin
- Item Ichigohitofuri
- Item Norifusa
- Item Sensui
- Item Atakigiri
- Item Azukinagamitsu
- Item Anahera Blade
- Item Queller Rod
- Item Cagliostro's Rod
- Item Espiritus
- Item Lathi
- Item Marin Staff
- Item Keraunos
- Item Twebuliij
- Item Hangaku-no-Yumi
- Item Donar Gun
- Item Vanir Gun
- Item Focal Orb
- Item Wingcutter
- Item .
- Item Seraphicaller
- Item Dosis Tathlum
- Item Kalboron Stone
- Item Albin Bane
- Item Clemency Grip
- Item Willpower Grip
- Item Forefathers' Grip
- Item Rigorous Grip
- Item Zuuxowu Grip
- Item .
- Item .
- Item Nepote Bell
- Item Bidenhander
- Item Potent Grip
- Item .
- Item .
- Item Hydrocera
- Item Homiliary
- Item Theophany Mitts +2
- Item Mallquis Chapeau +1
- Item Valorous Mask
- Item Chironic Hat
- Item Inyanga Tiara +1
- Item Vatic Byrnie
- Item Mallquis Cuffs +1
- Item Odyssean Cuisses
- Item Valor. Hose
- Item Chironic Hose
- Item Mallquis Trews +1
- Item Mallquis Clogs +1
- Item Incanter's Torque
- Item Shulmanu Collar
- Item Adad Amulet
- Item Lugalbanda Earring
- Item Etana Ring
- Item Apate Ring
- Item Dim. Ring (Dem)
- Item Varar Ring
- Item Alaunus's Cape
- Item Taranus's Cape
- Item Channeler's Stone
- Item Klouskap Sash
- Item Adapa Shield
- Item Akitu Shirt
- Item Apogee Crown
- Item Theia's Hairpin +1
- Item Imp. Wing Hairpin
- Item Rabid Visor
- Item Stinger Helm
- Item Acro Helm
- Item Telchine Cap
- Item Helios Band
- Item Ebers Cap +1
- Item Alhazen Hat
- Item Pursuer's Beret
- Item Vanya Hood
- Item Behe. Masque +1
- Item Piety Briault +1
- Item Hime Domaru
- Item Supay Weskit
- Item Acro Surcoat
- Item Taeon Tabard
- Item Telchine Chas.
- Item Helios Jacket
- Item Ebers Briault +1
- Item Naga Samue
- Item Vanya Robe
- Item Behemoth Suit +1
- Item Chozor. Coselete
- Item Glyphic Bracers
- Item Apogee Mitts
- Item Acro Gauntlets
- Item Telchine Gloves
- Item Helios Gloves
- Item Kachimusha Kote
- Item Ebers Mitts +1
- Item Psycloth Manillas
- Item Loagaeth Cuffs
- Item Fanatic Gloves
- Item Odyssean Gauntlets
- Item Chironic Gloves
- Item Tatena. Gote
- Item Gazu Bracelet
- Item Piety Pantaln. +1
- Item Ankusa Trousers
- Item Apogee Slacks
- Item Limbo Trousers
- Item Zoar Subligar
- Item Acro Breeches
- Item Taeon Tights
- Item Telchine Braconi
- Item Helios Spats
- Item Ebers Pant. +1
- Item Lengo Pants
- Item Piety Duckbills
- Item Taeon Boots
- Item Telchine Pigaches
- Item Helios Boots
- Item Ebers Duckbills +1
- Item Vanya Clogs
- Item Odyssean Greaves
- Item Valorous Greaves
- Item Defiant Collar
- Item Diemer Gorget
- Item Zwazo Earring
- Item Thureous Earring
- Item Odnowa Earring
- Item Echad Ring
- Item Trizek Ring
- Item Janniston Ring
- Item Argocham. Mantle
- Item Aptitude Mantle
- Item Thauma. Cape
- Item Xucau Mantle
- Item Izdubar Mantle
- Item Impassive Mantle
- Item Weather. Shield +1
- Item Thuellaic Ecu +1
- Item Usk. Somen +1
- Item Convoker's Horn
- Item Sahip Helm
- Item Ighwa Cap
- Item Tema. Headband
- Item Lithelimb Cap
- Item Felistris Mask
- Item Quauhpilli Helm
- Item Chocaliztli Mask
- Item Ker's Cuirass
- Item Sigyn's Cuirie
- Item Con. Doublet +1
- Item Temachtiani Shirt
- Item Mes. Haubergeon
- Item Gendewitha Bliaut
- Item Councilor's Garb
- Item Sigyn's Bazubands
- Item Nabu's Dastanas
- Item Fea's Cuffs
- Item Alruna's Gloves +1
- Item Gende. Gages +1
- Item Regimen Mittens
- Item Otomi Gloves
- Item Temachtiani Gloves
- Item Dynasty Mitts
- Item Hagondes Cuffs
- Item Bokwus Gloves
- Item Councilor's Cuffs
- Item Mdk. Shalwar +1
- Item Morrigan's Slops +1
- Item Theo. Pant. +1
- Item Assid. Pants +1
- Item Cizin Breeches +1
- Item Otronif Brais +1
- Item Temachtiani Pants
- Item Orvail Pants +1
- Item Hagondes Pants
- Item Bokwus Slops
- Item Con. Pigaches +1
- Item Regal Pumps +1
- Item Battlecast Gaiters
- Item Cizin Greaves +1
- Item Gende. Galosh. +1
- Item Temachtiani Boots
- Item Gende. Galoshes
- Item Hagondes Sabots
- Item Crested Torque
- Item Shifting Neck. +1
- Item Adoulin's Refuge +1
- Item Eddy Necklace
- Item Nuna Gorget
- Item Incarnation Sash
- Item Hachirin-no-Obi
- Item Famine Sash
- Item Shinjutsu-no-Obi
- Item Infused Earring
- Item Etiolation Earring
- Item Glorious Earring
- Item Nourish. Earring +1
- Item Influx Earring
- Item Steelflash Earring
- Item Bladeborn Earring
- Item Lifestorm Earring
- Item Mouflon Ring
- Item Globidonta Ring
- Item Warp Ring
- Item Yacuruna Ring
- Item Capacity Ring
- Item Acumen Ring
- Item Duodec. Ring
- Item Vocation Ring
- Item Sangoma Ring
- Item Toro Cape
- Item Mending Cape
- Item Conveyance Cape
- Item Evasionist's Cape
- Item Vespid Mantle
- Item Ogapepo Cape
- Item Sors Shield
- Title Aello Abator