We are no longer find this character as we cannot find it on official servers.

Solidneku has earned the title Aspidochelone Sinker.
Solidneku has earned the title Ruminator Confounder.
Solidneku has earned the title Orthrus Decapitator.
Solidneku has earned the title Carabosse Quasher.
Solidneku has earned the title Monarch Linn Patrol Guard.
Solidneku has earned the title Amhuluk Inundater.
Solidneku has earned the title Bennu Deplumer.
Solidneku has earned the title Glavoid Stampeder.
Solidneku has earned the title Bukhis Tetherer.
Solidneku has earned the title Praefectus Castrorum.
Solidneku has earned the title Smok Defogger.
Solidneku has earned the title Fortune-teller in Training.
Solidneku has earned the title Paragon of Black Mage Excellence.
Solidneku has earned the title Doctor Shantotto Supporter.
Solidneku has earned the title Sedna Tuskbreaker.