We are no longer find this character as we cannot find it on official servers.

Kaymat has earned the title Nidhogg Slayer.
Kaymat has earned the title Sun Charioteer.
Kaymat has earned the title Fafnir Slayer.
Kaymat has earned the title Rani Decrowner.
Kaymat has earned the title Briareus Feller.
Kaymat has earned the title Ruminator Confounder.
Kaymat has earned the title Aspidochelone Sinker.
Kaymat has earned the title Tortoise Torturer.
Kaymat has earned the title Carabosse Quasher.
Kaymat has earned the title Monarch Linn Patrol Guard.
Kaymat has earned the title Black Belt.
Kaymat has earned the title Amhuluk Inundater.
Kaymat has earned the title Orthrus Decapitator.
Kaymat has earned the title Bennu Deplumer.
Kaymat has earned the title Glavoid Stampeder.