Minigadget Final Fantasy XI → Bahamut
played by
79 weeks ago
Aug 17, 2022
- Title Gin Gagger
Jul 08, 2021
- Item Ganesha's Mala
Jul 06, 2021
- Item Seidr Cotehardie
- Item Auspex Nails
- Item Fisher's Torque
- Item Cuffs
- Item Coral Subligar
- Item Marid Ancus
- Item Oneiros Grip
- Item Oneiros Knife
- Item Comeuppances
- Item Pelagos Lance
- Item Tlamini
- Item Happo Shuriken
- Item Jukukik Feather
- Item Immolation Grip
- Item Volte Bracers
- Item Nisroch Jerkin
- Item Querkening Brais
- Item Refoccilation Stone
- Item Luminary Sash
- Item Despair Helm
- Item Rawhide Gloves
- Item Asteria Mitts +1
- Item Lamassu Mitts +1
- Item Limbo Trousers
- Item Umuthi Hat
- Item Shigure Tekko
- Item Grunfeld Rope
- Item Sinew Belt
- Item Ponente Sash
- Item Handler's Earring
- Title Uptala Reprobator
Jan 04, 2021
- Item Letalis Mantle
- Item Kyahan
- Item Seedbed Soil
- Item Useshi
- Item Eminent Wand
- Item Grioavolr
- Item .
- Item Piety Briault +3
- Item Agelast Torque
- Item Malignance Earring
- Item Apate Ring
- Item Klouskap Sash +1
- Item Lustra. Leggings +1
- Item Deviant Necklace
- Item Gorney Morion +1
- Item Sanare Earring
- Item Crematio Earring
- Item Pastoralist's Mantle
- Item Yokaze Mantle
- Title Ou Obliterator
- Level Lv99 Scholar
- Level Lv99 Thief
Mar 10, 2020
- Item Spurrina Doublet
- Item Faizzeer +1
- Item Knobkierrie
- Item Th. Pant. +3
- Item Yngvi Earring
- Item Mimir Earring
- Item Kubira Meikogai
- Item Gorney Haubert +1
Jan 13, 2020
- Item Portus Collar
- Item Etoile Casaque +1
- Item Novennial Coat
- Item Novennial Hose
- Item Swordbelt
- Item Gaia Mantle
- Item Bison Kecks
- Item Bone Arrow
- Item Trans. Broth
- Item Lacryma Sickle
- Item .
- Item Embla Sash
- Item Despair Fin. Gaunt.
- Item Vanya Cuffs
- Item Lamassu Mitts
- Item Anchoret's Mantle
Nov 15, 2019
- Item Valseur's Ring
- Item Murasamemaru
- Item Ephemeron
- Item Borealis
- Item Ikarigiri
- Item Chastisers
- Item Digirbalag
- Item Emicho Coronet
- Item Iktomi Dastanas
- Item Udug Jacket
- Item Oshosi Leggings
- Item Oshosi Gloves
- Item Asklepian Belt
- Item Crusher Gauntlets
- Item Emicho Gauntlets
- Item Taeon Tights
- Item Ryuo Hakama
- Item Rawhide Boots
- Item Pursuer's Gaiters
- Item Ryuo Sune-Ate
- Item Maenadic Gambieras
- Item Skormoth Mask
- Item Ostro Greaves
Nov 01, 2019
- Item Esper Earring
- Item Goetia Coat
- Item Brass Mittens
- Item Ranger's Necklace
- Item Novio Earring
- Item Demonry Core
- Item Kustawi +1
- Item Raicho +1
- Item Focal Orb
- Item Seraphicaller
- Item Malignance Sword
- Item Odyssean Helm
- Item Odyss. Chestplate
- Item Valorous Mail
- Item Merlinic Jubbah
- Item Odyssean Cuisses
- Item Merlinic Shalwar
- Item Shulmanu Collar
- Item Campestres's Cape
- Item Apogee Crown +1
- Item Accord Hat +1
- Item Ebers Cap +1
- Item Vexed Kecks
- Item Valorous Greaves
- Item Fi Follet Cape
- Level Lv99 Ranger
Aug 28, 2019
- Item Miasmic Pants
- Item Vengeful Ring
- Item Cryptic Earring
Aug 27, 2019
- Item Debilis Medallion
- Item Rancorous Mantle
- Item Emphatikos Rope
- Item Summoner's Spats
- Item Rajas Ring
- Item Magnetic Earring
- Item Pet Food Theta
- Item D. Herbal Broth
- Item Spicy Broth
- Item .
- Item Nirastamo
- Item Soultrapper 2000
- Item Incantor Stone
- Item Clarus Stone
- Item Sabebus
- Item Izhiikoh
- Item Tanmogayi +1
- Item Vampirism
- Item Skullrender
- Item Espiritus
- Item Akademos
- Item Keraunos
- Item .
- Item Rapid Broth
- Item Zulfiqar
- Item Mizukage-no-Yumi
- Item Theo. Duckbills +3
- Item Genmei Kabuto
- Item Merlinic Hood
- Item Uac Jerkin
- Item Inyan. Dastanas +1
- Item Regal Cuffs
- Item Erra Pendant
- Item Enmerkar Earring
- Item Solemnity Cape
- Item Ammurapi Shield
- Item Ebers Mitts +1
- Item Merlinic Dastanas
- Item Obatala Subligar
- Item Enticer's Pants
- Item Ebers Duckbills +1
- Item Eschite Greaves
- Item Tutyr Sabots
- Item Loyalist Sabatons
- Item Merlinic Crackows
- Item Reti Pendant
- Item Darkside Earring
- Item Genmei Earring
- Item Eabani Earring
- Item Odnowa Earring
- Item Warden's Ring
- Item Xucau Mantle
- Item Umbani Cap
- Item Whirlpool Mask
- Item Weather. Robe +1
- Item Umuthi Gloves
- Item Zoran's Belt
- Item Calamitous Earring
- Item Etiolation Earring
- Item Conveyance Cape
- Item Vespid Mantle
- Level Lv80 Red Mage
- Level Lv99 Summoner
Jun 02, 2019
- Item Febro Kaftan
- Item Athos's Tabard
- Item Rubeus Boots
- Item Pernicious Ring
- Item Petrov Ring
- Item Clearview Earring
- Item Snow Belt
- Item Byakko's Haidate
- Item Dusk Ledelsens
- Item Scp. Harness +1
- Item Vahzl Ring
- Item Dusk Gloves +1
- Item Walahra Turban
- Item Faith Torque
- Item Peacock Amulet
- Item Twilight Belt
- Item Bandolero Scarf
- Item Soboro Sukehiro
- Item Molybdosis
- Item White Tathlum
- Item Perun
- Item Mijin
- Item Umaru
- Item Divinity
- Item Serenity
- Item Quartz Tathlum +1
- Item Enki Strap
- Item Gyve Doublet
- Item Vedic Coat
- Item Pinga Pants
- Item Stikini Ring +1
- Item Leyline Gloves
- Item Fanatic Gloves
- Item Samnuha Tights
- Item Jokushu Haidate
- Item Medium's Sabots
- Item Kyujutsugi
- Item Found. Breastplate
- Item Founder's Gauntlets
- Item Asperity Necklace
- Item Olseni Belt
- Item Chaac Belt
- Item Barataria Ring
- Level Lv49 Ninja
May 25, 2019
- Item Tsukikazu Togi
- Item Bodb's Slops
- Item Antares
- Item Yagrush (90)
- Item Yagrush (95)
- Item Clerisy Strap +1
- Item Theo. Briault +3
- Item Piety Pantaln. +3
- Item Kaykaus Mitra +1
- Item Regal Cpt. Gloves
- Item Annoint. Kalasiris
- Item Kaykaus Boots +1
May 23, 2019
- Item Soultrapper
- Item Blank Soulplate
May 22, 2019
- Item Olympus Sash
- Item Soil Belt
- Item Toci's Harness
- Item Linen Cuffs
- Item Ashura Necklace
- Item Umbra Cape
- Item Club of Trials
- Item Dominie's Grip
- Item Yagrush (85)
- Item Hatxiik
- Item Router
- Item Annealed Lance
- Item Gada
- Item Ngqoqwanb
- Item .
- Item .
- Item Theophany Mitts +3
- Item Aya. Zucchetto +2
- Item Valorous Mask
- Item Chironic Hat
- Item Jhakri Robe +1
- Item Jhakri Cuffs +2
- Item Menelaus's Ring
- Item Jody Shirt
- Item Valorous Mitts
- Item Chironic Gloves
- Item Aptitude Mantle +1
- Item Skadi's Visor +1
- Item Yaoyotl Helm
- Item Sigyn's Bazubands
- Item Capacity Ring
- Item Cornflower Cape
Mar 14, 2019
- Item Matanca Harness
- Item Enif Corazza
- Item Manasa Chasuble
- Item Krabat Jacket
- Item Baalmuian Robe
- Item Adhara Crackows
- Item Adhara Turban
- Item Laeradr Helm
- Item Kumarbi's Akar
- Item Tessera Saio
- Item Phorcys Salade
- Item Chocobo Torque
- Item Goldsm. Torque
- Item Archon Cape
- Item Magoraga Beads
- Item Gifted Earring
- Item Oneiros Headgear
- Item Koenig Cuirass
- Item Speed Belt
- Item Purple Belt
- Item Life Belt
- Item Amemet Mantle +1
- Item Republic Aketon
- Item Valhalla Brstplate
- Item Homam Manopolas
- Item Dream Hat
- Item Empress Hairpin
- Item Merciful Cape
- Item Nashira Seraweels
- Item Fenian Ring
- Item Harmonius Earring
- Item Redeyes
- Item Zha'Go's Barbut
- Item Sagasinger
- Item Ark Tachi
- Item Mekki Shakki
- Item Yagrush
- Item Eisen Grip
- Item Trainee Burin
- Item Midnights
- Item Emeici
- Item Skinflayer
- Item Pukulatmuj
- Item Surcouf's Jambiya
- Item Reikiko
- Item Demersal Degen
- Item Soulcleaver
- Item Mdomo Axe
- Item Instigator
- Item .
- Item Habile Mazrak
- Item Raicho
- Item Achiuchikapu
- Item Tancho
- Item Chidori
- Item Exemplar
- Item Regal Gem
- Item Refined Grip +1
- Item Bloodrain Strap
- Item Naegling
- Item .
- Item Barathrum
- Item Inyanga Tiara +2
- Item Flam. Zucchetto +1
- Item Agent Hood
- Item Passion Jacket
- Item Ayanmo Corazza +1
- Item Flam. Manopolas +1
- Item Aya. Cosciales +2
- Item Navon Crackows
- Item Flam. Gambieras +1
- Item Aya. Gambieras +2
- Item Decimus Torque
- Item Yarak Torque
- Item Maskirova Torque
- Item Anu Torque
- Item Flamma Ring
- Item Agema Cape
- Item Cichol's Mantle
- Item Culminus
- Item Pixie Hairpin +1
- Item Imp. Wing Hairpin
- Item Alhazen Hat
- Item Hime Domaru
- Item Shomonjijoe
- Item Helios Jacket
- Item Lugra Cloak
- Item Agent Coat
- Item Agent Cuffs
- Item Tatena. Gote
- Item Agent Pants
- Item Agent Boots
- Item Marked Gorget
- Item Diemer Gorget
- Item Dominance Earring
- Item Trizek Ring
- Item Izdubar Mantle
- Item Ajax
- Item Usk. Somen +1
- Item Morrigan's Robe +1
- Item Ker's Cuirass
- Item Sigyn's Cuirie
- Item Omodaka Gote
- Item Lurid Mitts
- Item Usk. Hizayoroi +1
- Item Morrigan's Slops +1
- Item Umbani Boots
- Item Pentalagus Charm
- Item Ocachi Gorget
- Item Shinjutsu-no-Obi
- Item Gwati Earring
- Item Psystorm Earring
- Item Mending Cape
- Item Contriver's Cape
- Item Refraction Cape
- Level Lv49 Samurai
Mar 11, 2019
- Item Adhara Manteel
- Item Beatific Earring
- Item Shedir Seraweels
- Item Malison Medallion
- Item Orunmila's Torque
- Item Lasaia Pendant
- Item Hexed Bonnet
- Item Eirene's Manteel
- Item Hedera Cotehardie
- Item Ayao's Gages
- Item Prolix Ring
- Item Veneficium Ring
- Item Haoma's Ring
- Item Bishop's Sash
- Item Witful Belt
- Item Slipor Sash
- Item Nares Cap
- Item Phalaina Locket
- Item Earthcry Earring
- Item Terminus Earring
- Item Pensee Earring
- Item Mirage Jubbah
- Item Argute Gown
- Item Mirage Charuqs
- Item Orison Locket
- Item Chrys. Torque
- Item Sirona's Ring
- Item Epona's Ring
- Item Moonshade Earring
- Item Austerity Belt
- Item Anhur Robe
- Item Heka's Kalasiris
- Item Ravager's Calligae
- Item Genbu's Shield
- Item Tower Shield
- Item Haubergeon
- Item Arachne Obi
- Item Amber Earring
- Item Peace Cape
- Item Cheviot Cape
- Item Hi-Potion Tank
- Item Hi-Ether Tank
- Item Serpentes Sabots
- Item Denali Jacket
- Item Goliard Saio
- Item Suppanomimi
- Item Augment. Earring
- Item Loquac. Earring
- Item Brutal Earring
- Item Magus Bazubands
- Item Serpentes Cuffs
- Item Mirage Bazubands
- Item Duelist's Tabard
- Item Warrior's Mufflers
- Item Warrior's Cuisses
- Item Duelist's Tights
- Item Warrior's Calligae
- Item Duelist's Boots
- Item Magus Charuqs
- Item Emperor Band
- Item Balrahn's Ring
- Item Excelsis Ring
- Item Cascade Belt
- Item Goblin Belt
- Item Siegel Sash
- Item Glory Crown
- Item Goliard Chapeau
- Item Elixir Tank
- Item Twilight Cape
- Item Rep. Silver Medal
- Item Sanctus Rosary
- Item Argute Pants
- Item Bronze Sword
- Item Axe of Trials
- Item Rotten Meat
- Item Beneficus
- Item Willow Fish. Rod
- Item Immortal's Scimitar
- Item Vorpal Sword
- Item Wightslayer
- Item Brave Blade
- Item Mumeito
- Item Double Axe
- Item Swordbreaker
- Item Dancing Dagger
- Item Radiant Lance
- Item Sasuke Katana
- Item Windslicer
- Item Tenkomaru
- Item Sturdy Axe
- Item Mage's Staff
- Item Scepter Staff
- Item Elder Staff
- Item Fourth Staff
- Item Chatoyant Staff
- Item Killer Bow
- Item Quicksilver
- Item Burning Fists
- Item Inferno Claws
- Item Werebuster
- Item Death Sickle
- Item Curatio Grip
- Item Impatiens
- Item Nibiru Sainti
- Item Levante Dagger
- Item Vanir Knife
- Item Colada
- Item Medeina Kiliji
- Item Nibiru Blade
- Item Tramontane Axe
- Item Icoyoca
- Item Lightreaver
- Item Shuhansadamune
- Item Azukinagamitsu
- Item Tomonari
- Item Queller Rod
- Item Nibiru Cudgel
- Item Mafic Cudgel
- Item Vadose Rod
- Item Bolelabunga
- Item Marin Staff +1
- Item Ababinili
- Item Baqil Staff
- Item Ghastly Tathlum +1
- Item .
- Item .
- Item Ginsen
- Item Clemency Grip
- Item Achaq Grip
- Item .
- Item Oranyan
- Item .
- Item Utu Grip
- Item Falcon Eye
- Item Amar Cluster
- Item Hydrocera
- Item Elis Tome
- Item Homiliary
- Item Theo. Briault +2
- Item Theophany Mitts +2
- Item .
- Item Aya. Zucchetto +1
- Item Herculean Helm
- Item Inyanga Tiara
- Item Jhakri Coronal +1
- Item Sayadio's Kaftan
- Item Shamash Robe
- Item Inyanga Jubbah +2
- Item Jhakri Cuffs +1
- Item Aya. Manopolas +1
- Item Valor. Hose
- Item Herculean Trousers
- Item Chironic Hose
- Item Jhakri Slops
- Item Jhakri Slops +1
- Item Jhakri Pigaches +1
- Item Aya. Gambieras +1
- Item Loricate Torque +1
- Item Incanter's Torque
- Item Clotharius Torque
- Item Sanctity Necklace
- Item Regal Earring
- Item Caliber Ring
- Item Facility Ring
- Item Hetairoi Ring
- Item Dim. Ring (Dem)
- Item Niqmaddu Ring
- Item Kishar Ring
- Item Inyanga Ring
- Item Perimede Cape
- Item Alaunus's Cape
- Item Rosmerta's Cape
- Item Shadow Lord Shirt
- Item Piety Cap +1
- Item Acro Helm
- Item Telchine Cap
- Item Ebers Cap
- Item Befouled Crown
- Item Rawhide Mask
- Item Vanya Hood
- Item Piety Briault +1
- Item Telchine Chas.
- Item Ebers Briault +1
- Item Rawhide Vest
- Item Vanya Robe
- Item Vrikodara Jupon
- Item Piety Mitts +1
- Item Telchine Gloves
- Item Ebers Mitts
- Item Odyssean Gauntlets
- Item Herculean Gloves
- Item Composer's Mitts
- Item Piety Pantaln. +1
- Item Telchine Braconi
- Item Ebers Pant. +1
- Item Psycloth Lappas
- Item Gyve Trousers
- Item Piety Duckbills +1
- Item Telchine Pigaches
- Item Ebers Duckbills
- Item Vanya Clogs
- Item Inspirited Boots
- Item Kaykaus Boots
- Item Odyssean Greaves
- Item Herculean Boots
- Item Chironic Slippers
- Item Nodens Gorget
- Item Jokushu Chain
- Item Echad Ring
- Item Shiva Ring +1
- Item Janniston Ring
- Item Dew Silk Cape
- Item Aptitude Mantle
- Item Sokolski Mantle
- Item Genmei Shield
- Item Nabu's Tiara
- Item Theo. Cap +1
- Item Gende. Caubeen +1
- Item Tema. Headband
- Item Buremte Hat
- Item Dread Jupon
- Item Temachtiani Shirt
- Item Mes. Haubergeon
- Item Vanir Cotehardie
- Item Councilor's Garb
- Item Gorney Moufles +1
- Item Gende. Gages +1
- Item Regimen Mittens
- Item Otomi Gloves
- Item Temachtiani Gloves
- Item Dynasty Mitts
- Item Quauhpilli Gloves
- Item Councilor's Cuffs
- Item Theo. Pant. +1
- Item Assid. Pants +1
- Item Wisent Kecks
- Item Temachtiani Pants
- Item Orvail Pants +1
- Item Hagondes Pants
- Item Theo. Duckbills +1
- Item Regal Pumps +1
- Item Coalrake Sabots
- Item Gende. Galosh. +1
- Item Temachtiani Boots
- Item Uk'uxkaj Boots
- Item Chocaliztli Boots
- Item Adoulin's Refuge +1
- Item Hamrammr Torque
- Item Eddy Necklace
- Item Nuna Gorget
- Item Eschan Stone
- Item Hachirin-no-Obi
- Item Windbuffet Belt +1
- Item Fucho-no-Obi
- Item Ovate Rope
- Item Dynamic Belt
- Item Mendi. Earring
- Item Infused Earring
- Item Glorious Earring
- Item Nourish. Earring +1
- Item Andoaa Earring
- Item Friomisi Earring
- Item Steelflash Earring
- Item Bladeborn Earring
- Item Lebeche Ring
- Item Warp Ring
- Item Kuchekula Ring
- Item Patricius Ring
- Item Sangoma Ring
- Item Buquwik Cape
- Item Toro Cape
- Item Mauler's Mantle
- Item Bane Cape
- Item Canny Cape
- Item Weard Mantle
- Item Lifestream Cape
- Item Evasionist's Cape
- Title Honorary Doctorate, Majoring in Tonberries
- Level Lv49 Black Mage
- Level Lv99 Blue Mage
- Level Lv1 Bard
- Level Lv1 Beastmaster
- Level Lv1 Corsair
- Level Lv1 Dancer
- Level Lv1 Dragoon
- Level Lv1 Dark Knight
- Level Lv1 Geomancer
- Level Lv1 Monk
- Level Lv1 Ninja
- Level Lv1 Paladin
- Level Lv1 Puppetmaster
- Level Lv1 Red Mage
- Level Lv1 Ranger
- Level Lv1 Rune Fencer
- Level Lv46 Samurai
- Level Lv49 Scholar
- Level Lv1 Summoner
- Level Lv1 Thief
- Level Lv99 Warrior
- Level Lv99 White Mage
- Alchemy
- Bonecraft
- Clothcraft
- Cooking
- Fishing
- Goldsmithing
- Leathercrafting
- Smithing
- Synergy
- Woodworking