
Like this if the hammer fucked your face yesterday.

Dragontaru only 1 like? wheres aranda/ice/atti/tbd/most of pen!?
11 years ago

YaDatGuy Destroyed us too
11 years ago

Hodor Hodor!
11 years ago

xvallethx yap yap yap
11 years ago

Gobbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWhtPByViJU
11 years ago

xvallethx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1eHKf-dMwo
11 years ago

Ice lol, that video always makes me laugh
11 years ago

Atticusu Rip
11 years ago

xvallethx Those who play with the devil's toys will be brought by degrees to wield his sword.
11 years ago

xvallethx I am the best ever made NA
11 years ago

Atticusu Valleth best philosopher NA
11 years ago

Hoshiku assault tags?
11 years ago

Dragontaru Nah, duping alex from salvage
11 years ago

Truckie lololol
11 years ago

Truckie went out like bosses.
11 years ago

Tosaka https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI
11 years ago

Nikia Any word if perma or dont SE still want your loot?
11 years ago

xvallethx Uncle Valleth does not play point the finger blame the other but my preachings fell on deaf ears. You know what they say.. Slacked jawed faggots runnin their moufs sink ships. ABANDON SHIP FGTS.
11 years ago

Kevin Staley How to DUPE alex??? I need my BOW NOW GDAMNIT
11 years ago

Kevin Staley Gastrababies pew pew can I have it?
11 years ago

xvallethx You don't and you cant theese clowns are just trolling everyone
11 years ago

Eternicide I admit, I'm butthurt, but only because I didnt start doing this sooner
11 years ago

Ice The preachings of the uncle may have fallen on deaf ears, however that same uncle is also the one who made it the most obvious to others.
11 years ago

xvallethx You have 0 idea what you're talking about. Its clueless dribblers who got greed get the best of them and yap yap yapped away at it. Fucking clowns ran it for mere days before running it to the ground. Uncle ran it for solid year+ Funny thing is no matter how many of those things you Muppets made (you know who you are) your garbage status unfortunately will never dissipate. The stench of LE SUCK will forever follow.
11 years ago

xvallethx Uncle put in 110% every time and that is why he was the best at what he did.. cant say that about the rest of the rat finks. Many advice sessions were given out at the end of the day it's out of my hands if people don't want to listen to good reason and use common sense.
11 years ago

Ice Negro, you're the number 1 person who made it obvious. Brb, selling Aranda 5k alex every day for days straight.
11 years ago

Nikia 5K i paid 8k! fuckers
11 years ago

Ice No, he was selling 5,000 alexandrite at a time, repeatedly.
11 years ago

Tosaka I think you might be thinking of someone else doing that. If Valleth was then I wasn't aware of it. I just know who the people shouting to sell were.
11 years ago

xvallethx All my transactions were made through tells and personal contact never was advertised never was shouted yelled posted etc so once again "Negro" you have zero idea what you're talking about and as for the magical 5,000 pieces 5 days in a row never.. It never happened i had many bulk sales to people most were server transfers. I may have sold a few thousand pieces to Aranda multiple times but it was never talked about
11 years ago

xvallethx So before you yap any further I suggest you down a bottle of Kaopectate because you must have diarrhea of the mouth talking that shit. I did not have the need to put bulk numbers in bazaar and roam around town and make it obvious once again I never contracted the dribbler disease of being a fucking dullard i knew when and how to do it without making anything obvious.
11 years ago

Dragontaru /popcorn
11 years ago

Lilyula ^
11 years ago

YaDatGuy ^^
11 years ago

Talon Destiny comes out in 7 days. Who cares about FFXI!!!!
11 years ago

xvallethx damn skippy i have fallen to fucking slay
11 years ago

Kevin Staley So perma or 3 day bans for these natches?
11 years ago

xvallethx People who were involved to my knowledge pretty much got a slap in the hand with a 72 hour LM-11 others who were involved in things such us making items appear out of thin air received the filthy meat injection in the ass and got the permas
11 years ago

xvallethx and if certain people keep running their mouths about it and airing out their dirty laundry I would not be surprised if there was further actions taking against them and or people they are associated with.
11 years ago