Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms 10 Points (Alliance only)

Visit the Candy Buckets in Eastern Kingdoms.

- Dun Morogh, Kharanos
- Loch Modan, Thelsamar
- Redridge Mountains, Lakeshire
- Eastern Plaguelands, Light's Hope Chapel
- The Cape of Stranglethorn, Booty Bay
- Duskwood, Darkshire
- Arathi Highlands, Refuge Point
- Blasted Lands, Nethergarde Keep
- Loch Modan, Farstrider Lodge
- Swamp of Sorrows, The Harborage
- Western Plaguelands, Chillwind Camp
- Wetlands, Swiftgear Station
- Searing Gorge, Iron Summit
- Elwynn Forest, Goldshire
- Wetlands, Menethil Harbor
- The Hinterlands, Aerie Peak
- Stormwind, The Trade District
- Ironforge, The Commons
- Westfall, Sentinel Hill
- Badlands, Dragon's Mouth
- Blasted Lands, Surwich
- Northern Stranglethorn, Fort Livingston
- The Hinterlands, Stormfeather Outpost
- Wetlands, Greenwarden's Grove
- Badlands, Fuselight
- Swamp of Sorrows, Bogpaddle
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