Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor 10 Points (Horde only)

Visit the Candy Buckets in Kalimdor.

- Northern Barrens, The Crossroads
- Stonetalon Mountains, Sun Rock Retreat
- Dustwallow Marsh, Mudsprocket
- Northern Barrens, Ratchet
- Orgrimmar, Valley of Strength
- Desolace, Shadowprey Village
- Feralas, Camp Mojache
- Durotar, Razor Hill
- Northern Barrens, Grol'dom Farm
- Feralas, Camp Ataya
- Azshara, Bilgewater Harbor
- Southern Barrens, Desolation Hold
- Ashenvale, Zoram'gar Outpost
- Felwood, Whisperwind Grove
- Tanaris, Bootlegger Outpost
- Dustwallow Marsh, Brackenwall Village
- Thunder Bluff, Lower Rise
- Winterspring, Everlook
- Tanaris, Gadgetzan
- Mulgore, Bloodhoof Village
- Silithus, Cenarion Hold
- Ashenvale, Splintertree Post
- Ashenvale, Silverwind Refuge
- Ashenvale, Hellscream's Watch
- Feralas, Stonemaul Hold
- Northern Barrens, Nozzlepot's Outpost
- Stonetalon Mountains, Krom'gar Fortress
- Desolace, Karnum's Glade
- Southern Barrens, Hunter's Hill
- Un'Goro Crater, Marshal's Stand
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