Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor 10 Points (Alliance only)

Visit the Candy Buckets in Kalimdor.

- Darnassus, Craftsmen's Terrace
- Feralas, Feathermoon Stronghold
- Northern Barrens, Ratchet
- Winterspring, Everlook
- Exodar, Seat of the Naaru
- Dustwallow Marsh, Mudsprocket
- Desolace, Nijel's Point
- Azuremyst Isle, Azure Watch
- Desolace, Karnum's Glade
- Felwood - Talonbranch Glade
- Southern Barrens, Fort Triumph
- Southern Barrens, Northwatch Hold
- Stonetalon Mountains, Northwatch Expedition Base
- Tanaris, Bootlegger Outpost
- Dustwallow Marsh, Theramore Isle
- Teldrassil, Dolanaar
- Silithus, Cenarion Hold
- Tanaris, Gadgetzan
- Bloodmyst Isle, Blood Watch
- Darkshore, Lor'danel
- Stonetalon Mountains, Thal'darah Overlook
- Ashenvale, Astranaar
- Felwood - Whisperwind Grove
- Feralas, Dreamer's Rest
- Southern Barrens, Honor's Stand
- Stonetalon Mountains, Farwatcher's Glen
- Stonetalon Mountains, Windshear Hold
- Un'Goro Crater, Marshal's Stand
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