Elders of the Dungeons 10 Points

Honor the Elders which are located inside the dungeons.

- Elder Morndeep in Blackrock Depths
- Elder Starsong in the Sunken Temple
- Elder Yurauk in the Halls of Stone
- Elder Stonefort in Blackrock Spire
- Elder Ohanzee in Gundrak
- Elder Chogan'gada in Utgarde Pinnacle
- Elder Igasho in The Nexus
- Elder Splitrock in Maraudon
- Elder Farwhisper in Stratholme
- Elder Wildmane in Zul'Farrak
- Elder Kilias in Drak'Tharon Keep
- Elder Jarten in Utgarde Keep
- Elder Nurgen in Azjol-Nerub
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