Explore Blade's Edge Mountains 10 Points

Explore Blade's Edge Mountains, revealing the covered areas of the world map.

- Thunderlord Stronghold
- Bash'ir Landing
- Bloodmaul Camp
- Crystal Spine
- Vortex Summit
- Jagged Ridge
- Bladespire Hold
- Razor Ridge
- Circle of Blood
- Forge Camp: Anger
- Raven's Wood
- Skald
- Bloodmaul Outpost
- Vekhaar Stand
- Bladed Gulch
- Ruuan Weald
- Veil Lashh
- Gruul's Lair
- Veil Ruuan
- Forge Camp: Wrath
- Broken Wilds
- Death's Door
- Mok'Nathal Village
- Sylvanaar
- Grishnath
- Forge Camp: Terror
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