Explore Eastern Plaguelands 10 Points

Explore Eastern Plaguelands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.

- Darrowshire
- Zul'Mashar
- Corin's Crossing
- Terrordale
- The Fungal Vale
- The Noxious Glade
- The Undercroft
- Northdale
- Tyr's Hand
- Quel'Lithien Lodge
- Blackwood Lake
- The Marris Stead
- The Infectis Scar
- Pestilent Scar
- Plaguewood
- Crown Guard Tower
- Lake Mereldar
- Thondroril River
- Eastwall Tower
- Northpass Tower
- Light's Hope Chapel
- Stratholme
- Ruins of the Scarlet Enclave
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