Just Another Day in Tol Barad 10 Points (Horde only)

Complete all of the Tol Barad daily quests listed below.

- Rattling Their Cages
- The Forgotten
- First Lieutenant Connor
- Taking the Overlook Back
- Finish The Job
- Learning From The Past
- Svarnos
- Food From Below
- The Leftovers
- Magnets, How Do They Work?
- Cannonball!
- Swamp Bait
- Not the Friendliest Town
- Thinning The Brood
- Prison Revolt
- Cursed Shackles
- Teach A Man To Fish... Or Steal.
- Claiming The Keep
- Salvaging the Remains
- Ghostbuster
- A Sticky Task
- Bombs Away!
- D-Block
- The Warden
- A Huge Problem
- Captain P. Harris
- The Imprisoned Archmage
- Watch Out For Splinters!
- Clearing the Depths
- WANTED: Foreman Wellson
- Boosting Morale
- Shark Tank
- Leave No Weapon Behind
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