Explore Twilight Highlands 10 Points

Explore Twilight Highlands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.

- Gorshak War Camp
- Obsidian Forest
- Glopgut's Hollow
- The Maw of Madness
- Dragonmaw Pass
- The Twilight Breach
- Crucible of Carnage
- Firebeard's Patrol
- Crushblow
- Twilight Shore
- Humboldt Conflagration
- Ruins of Drakgor
- The Black Breach
- The Krazzworks
- Highland Forest
- Thundermar
- Victor's Point
- Dragonmaw Port
- Highbank
- Bloodgulch
- Dunwald Ruins
- Grim Batol
- Wyrms' Bend
- Vermillion Redoubt
- Kirthaven
- Slithering Cove
- The Gullet
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