@MiicoPeppermint Almost 37 o/

MiicoPeppermint WHOOP WHOOP! Me too
11 years ago

MiicoPeppermint We will have to take pics once we hit 38/40
11 years ago

MiicoPeppermint I'll come back to Sargatanas just for that!
11 years ago

fondue pvp queue is so bad for flames most nights QQ
11 years ago

MiicoPeppermint It's been pretty bad on Excal too at times. The fortunate thing is some ppl listen and I get 1st much more often than I did on Sarg.
11 years ago

Lunie Yeah but Flames are on huge winning strikes on my end. Esp in the mornings.
11 years ago

Lunie On Sargatanas that is. But Twin Adders get winning strike in the evening.
11 years ago

Lunie Entering as pre-mades makes all the difference in the world, too. I have a little group going for Twin.
11 years ago